
Only thing I would have liked from this episode, is some demonstration of what exactly "IT" can do, aside from repeatedly get shot while continuing to shamble like a zombie, and lose a fistfight to Fitz.

Yeah - Cap would be all "oh snap dawg!".

Only if Tony shouts PROTON CANNON! while firing it.

At this point I have to believe Fox would give them the rights back for a set of steak knives.

But it's a demo disc with sweet green cape and a metal mask, who runs its own country filled with robots.

I can't wait for Marvel to get the FF rights back, if only so they can use Doctor Doom as a villain.

I'm more interested to know the odds of any of the Defenders appearing on Agents of SHIELD (or vice versa), since they all fall under Jeph Loeb's Marvel TV umbrella.

The lesser mentioned part of that, is that it was Joss' decision to bring Coulson back for the TV show in the first place. He just regretted the decision in retrospect, because it cheapened his death in the movie.

I said this in another comment - he's playing Luthor like a psychotic Willy Wonka. Looks at his outfits in some of those shots. Eisenberg looks like a terrible casting after this trailer.

It really stands out after the superbly cut and edited Civil War and Star Wars trailers.

I like Bane as a character, and I liked that Nolan actually made him an intelligent strategist, instead of a big dumb monster (looking at you Joel Schumacher). I didn't like that he ended up being a "front" for Talia, and that his goal was basically just more League of Shadows stuff.

This version of Doomsday looks like a Doomsday action figure that partially melted.

This trailer was… terrible. The jokes were bad, and Eisenberg looks like he's just going to be an insufferable Lex Luthor. The two of them exchanging insults at that party was decent enough I guess, but then it just got really bad after that.

Are we grading on some super-generous curve here, because the internet has decided Age of Ultron sucked?

Liked the episode, but a few criticisms:

I enjoyed the first Thor movie, and thought it did a good job of adapting the character to the MCU - a solid B. I thought the second one had some nice character moments, but with a gobbledygook plot - maybe a C+.

The Black Panther costume looks so fucking cool.

Yeah - y'know, that weird epidemic of mental illness that only the United States apparently suffers from, and that only seems to express itself in the form of mass shootings.

When they killed Rosalind, I immediately said "holy fuck, are they seriously throwing this character and plot in the garbage?" And then the rest of the episode happened, and it was awesome.

At this point I'm convinced American Airlines has direct flights there. Maybe the League has their own airport, and an assassin working the batons on the runway.