
The League of Assassins doing the magic ninja smoke thing and appearing in the Arrowcave was awesome. Most awesome and threatening the League (and Merlyn) have looked in a long time.

The stuff with Barry suddenly knowing he was magical was awkward as hell. Some dude kills a bunch of people with old knives and guns, and he looked the same in 70s. MAGIC!

Arrow's story really hasn't gone anywhere yet. Dahrk is there, and he's doing… stuff. Mostly incompetently skirmishing with Team Arrow, and occasionally unsuccessfully sucking out Oliver''s life-force, or whatever. He's been in a narrative holding pattern, while they focused on Sara, and then Ray. All of the major

So… are many of you still actively watching this show? I've completely given up on it.

It wasn't Barry who gave his identity away - it was Cisco who did, accidentally. Because they needed to quickly invent a rationale for her to know Team Arrow and Team Flash, because of Legends of Tomorrow.

- Energy projectiles in the Star Wars universe have a (fairly comical) amount of travel time, whereas phaser banks are virtually instantaneous. You aren't going to barrel roll your way out of a phaser blast.

This is one change Lucas made, that was dumb, but I also never really gave a shit. It's such a teeny-tiny change that happens so quick it's easy to miss in the first place.

Holy mother of god that was a good trailer. That shot at the end of Bucky and Cap beating on Iron Man while trading the shield back and forth was both heartbreaking with the dialogue beforehand, and AWESOME looking.

I have concerns about a show this effects-heavy, on a CW budget.

Fuck it - You know what? I don't mind the Riddick movies.

The extended shot of Thea fighting was definitely the highlight of the episode, action-wise.

Good episode, but am I the only one who thinks the fights on this show increasingly just look like a bunch of people going through choreography? Which obviously they are - but the way it's shot and choreographed, it really LOOKS that way too? I also kinda wish they'd take firearms into account when choreographing

We know he and Coulson still maintain some level of contact (since Coulson helps him with the Helicarrier in Ultron), so you could make the argument that perhaps he's just letting Coulson handle Hydra, and Fury is doing Avengers-stuff now.

Giving Cap that thing on his arm that called his shield back was a stroke of brilliance. The idea that Cap always throws his shield in a manner that perfectly ricochets it back to him, has always been extremely ridiculous.

It'd be cool if they upped the episode order too 24, and had one episode in the middle of the season that was basically a one hour "What if?" one-shot. And if they make it clear that it's just a "for funsies" thing, they could really go weird with it.

God help us all if that show has a bland visual style. We'll be mobbed up the eyeballs in paragraphs about visual blandness for the next couple of months.

One of the best things this show has ever done was last season, when she straight up shot him as soon as she had the opportunity. Made her look awesome, and also made complete sense.

Oliver, you forgot the most important part: How bland were the visuals?

- A C+ grade for this episode is certifiably insane. Tons of great character work in this one, and interesting set-up for the future. Oliver, I loved your Justice League cartoon reviews, but in my opinion, you've really lost the plot on this show. Between the non-stop carping on the visual style, and jumping to

I was worried after we didn't get a mention of the shows "bland visual style" and color palette in last week's review, but apparently it was just because we were being prepared for several paragraphs about it this week.