
It kind of sounds like Dennis was going to give this somewhere from a D to an F, no matter what happened - short of SNL skewering him all night, which was never going to happen. Talking about how essentially even good bits were "ruined" by being in the same show as Trump and his stupid politics, kinds of points to

Yeah, pretty much. They really didn't do a good job of laying new tracks for their story as they burned through what had been laid out for them in WC3. Arthas gets defeated, and then… pandas? I stopped playing a long while ago, but I think Nefarian's dad Deathwing was in one of the expansions?

I enjoyed the early lore of WoW (right up until Lich King), so I'll probably go see this. The animation seems slightly janky to me for some reason, and the human armor looks pretty silly, but depending on the tone of the film, it could work.

Can I also just mention how cheap that initial shot of Constantine looks, when Oliver calls him? He looks like he's standing on a dark soundstage with a smoke machine and a couple of prop lamp posts, and the tight framing tries to hide it. Could they seriously not shoot something outside at night?

He'll do a scene with his double, take a few jabs, and the world will move on.

Liked the episode overall, but…

There was so much fun this week, and so little drama. What a breath of fresh air.

They've also made attempts to "own it", regarding the absurdity of the costume, over the years. The character has given explanations of varying plausibility as to the utility of the boob window, or had her explain that she doesn't feel the need to hide her sexuality, They've also made plenty of jokes about it.

As opposed to popular culture, which features, among other things, Nicki Minaj music videos.

Alex Kurtzman is showrunner, meaning I'll believe it's good when I see it.

I enjoyed it on a purely surface-level - meaning, nice visuals and sound design. The story was pure shit.

Hubbard actually tried to get psychiatric help more than once.

They're harvesting baby parts and trampling on our religious freedom!

"This show’s drab color palette is a significant weak point…"

It's weird by the standards of typical television - NCIS wouldn't call a 20 year old woman a "girl". Of course, NCIS also wouldn't have a guy dress up like a bat and fight crime, while driving in expensive vehicles with various ridiculous bat-shaped embellishments all over them.

I really hope this film is good. Those Peanuts movies were a big part of my childhood, including the retrospectively messed-up sections where Snoopy appeared to take acid and turn into a WW2 fighter pilot in the middle of the story for a while.

Hey man, those extended editions of the LOTR movies were awesome. Tons of great additonal material in there.

And that awful DJ guy!

So I guess Laurel is back to being a dumbass who doesn't listen to everyone in the room telling her she's doing something stupid.

Is it in Oliver's contract that he has to mention how visually bland he thinks the show is every week?