
"A black man dies every season… except season 1, where we thought he died but he became a superhero instead, and potentially season 3, where we still don't know what happened, but they conspicuously only showed the legs of a corpse and a spooked looking Von Strucker kid. So, you know… racism, or something. Plus I've

I thought Lisa's heart-to-heart about her childhood with Cisco was pretty cringe-worthy. Specifically one line, that went something vaguely like "I thought punches hurt, but bottles hurt worse", which made my eyes nearly roll out of their head. Especially when that cheap CW soap opera music kicks in to indicate we

The Empire disbanded the last vestiges of the galactic democratic system, blew up an entire planet to make a point, and killed people for substandard job performance.

Am I the only one who remembers the Rock FLEXING HIS OWN CAST OFF, and saying "Daddy's gotta go to work"?!

A show about a character with probably the strongest rogues gallery in comic book history, decides to commit their season to introducing said rogues… and manages to screw it up, horribly.

Were you under the impression that memes were about profundity?

Perhaps, though I think it says more about the fact that he was probably given a contract to direct Avengers, versus Dr. Horrible, which was his own project - which probably means he has gotten an ongoing percentage of profit in the years since it has come out.

It's like any Hollywood gig - your contract is determined by your resume and your leverage. Whedon has two of the biggest blockbusters in cinematic history on his resume now.

I don't understand why people bring up the box office gross when talking about how much an actor or director got paid. Unless you have a share of the box office gross written into your contract, it is irrelevant. RDJ makes massive bank on his Marvel films, because he has one of these deals (probably also a perk of

Dr. Horrible was a small passion project, Firefly aired for less than one season, and he wasn't the lead in Buffy, so that isn't really surprising.

How much it raked in really doesn't matter, unless he has a profit sharing clause in his contract (like RDJ has).

People are seriously jumping on him for saying this? For fucks sake I hate the internet.

They've made good movies, and terrible movies. Jupiter Ascending was bad. The Matrix was good.

I wanted to like Jupiter Ascending, but it's just… terrible. And terrible acting all around, led by Eddie "whisperSCREAM"" Redmayne.

Their movies do have some subtle human emotions and adult situations in them (See: Bruce and BW in AoU, for a recent example). They ultimately come down to punching things in colourful costumes, because they are still comic book action movies. The end of Guardians didn't come down to punching something harder - it

Frankly, I thought things moved way too quickly tonight, which was the same problem a good chunk of Season 3 had - flying through plot points, without stopping long enough to really do justice to any single beat.

I loved DD right up until the final 20 minutes of the last episode, when they tried to rush a satisfying superhero conclusion by having him put on the suit, queuing the generic triumphant action music, and having Fisk and DD trade blandly-shot punches for a few minutes. That jump-punch thing DD does to end the fight,

In fairness to the show, we have no idea if the alien planet subplot is tied off or not - we just know Simmons is back. Maybe they'll go back there. Maybe whatever Simmons was running from will factor into the season.

Eventually that sanity will trickle down to the middle class, and the rising tide of sanity will raise all boats.

- Todd VanDerWerff