
I just don't find Noah particularly funny. Back when everyone was freaking out about his old tweets, I made the point that my chief concern with the tweets wasn't that they were offensive (I give comedians a lot of latitude to make jokes about almost anything) - it's that they weren't FUNNY. Like, at all. They were

If I have a complaint about Oliver's show, it's that he's been largely reduced to two schticks for 95% of the humour on the show

Yes, I remember that fraud well. Did I cite him anywhere in my replies? The only report I even linked to, was from BBC journalists who actually got jobs at one of the factories.

Your arguments are increasingly becoming so non-sequitur, that I can scarcely even define them as "wrong".

Substance? So far you've linked to an Apple report on their own behaviour, and then repeatedly declared by personal fiat that they are "doing more than anyone else" to improve all of these terrible things.

Yeah Flag, don't you remember when I said all that stuff about "'nobody trying to clean up the mining supply chain"?

Hoo-boy, I don't even know where to begin with that third paragraph.

The thing you're missing here, is that PLENTY of large corporations like to claim that they actively police the conditions in their overseas factories - saying you're "trying to do better", and putting a nice long testimonial on your company web page, doesn't count for shit.


Even assuming you're right, that just modifies the statement to "profits off the institutionalized misery of PEOPLE", instead of children.

I don't know the full context of everything they said, because I really don't care about Hollywood slap fights and never heard about this until now. However, based on the quotes in this article, it sure seems like both of them were essentially right.

The only thing I don't like about Sutherland's casting, is that it left me constantly wondering what Kiefer must have thought about the insane dialogue he was being asked to participate in.

Regardless of the specific facts of this case, the idea that a person should have to choose between being a victim of assault, and having a music career, is a false dichotomy… to say the absolute least.

I think accusing the counsel for the defense of "victim blaming" is pretty stupid, because it kind of goes with the territory when the guy you're accusing is proclaiming his innocence. They presumably don't believe she's a victim in the first place, which is the entire point. She brought charges; they believe he's

Does this mean I can't sell bootleg Shark Repellent Bat Spray any more?

The shot of Kim Davis with her Farmer Yokel-looking husband, walking up onto a stage in front of a bunch of bigots with hateful messages scrawled all over T-shirts and placards, to "Eye of the Tiger", was one of the saddest bits of political theatre I've seen in my life. As was Huckabee saying he'd "take her place" -

That MLK quote has become a borderline thought-terminating cliche in the decades since he said it, and TNC is right to take it on.

And this is where the bit about a nuanced discussion comes in - "a kid building a little clock like a terrorist" - that when you see an actual picture of the clock, came in a silver metal briefcase, and kind of did look like the kind of bomb one might see in a movie (and like it or not, movie reality influences

Awesome choice. TNC is an excellent writer, and I loved "Between the World and Me"

Only people with the right opinion are entitled to one, god damn it! It's the liberal way!