
There is no argument. Pascal's Wager is one of the dumbest bits of flawed reasoning ever presented.

People like Tom Cruise get a completely different experience of Scientology, than your average Sea Org member. For him it's all fine dining, golf courses, and smiling faces. Of course, not understanding that that is a facade because he's powerful Hollywood man, is on him - and it's been clear for a long time that

As someone who read these books a lot as a little kid, I'm kind of stunned that so many people had such negative reactions to them… they were utterly harmless. Formulaic? Sure, like most literature designed to instill simple moral lessons in small children tends to be.

Did Bob Kane request this be put on his headstone, or did his family write this for him, post-mortem? If the latter, then it might just be a hamfisted attempt by his family to pay him some sort of homage.

As with most on-set pictures of comic book characters, I'll reserve ultimate judgment until I see him with all of the post-production and CG enhancement done to the character… but man, does that look silly and shitty.

Good. Scott Glenn did a great job of capturing what a sourpuss hardass Stick is, with only the fleetingly faintest sliver of a particle of a hint that he has a deeper emotional relationship with Matt, beyond just recruiting him for his cause.

Your second paragraph is just the plot of Robot Jox.

I think the weakest part of the film, for me, was the addition of the schoolyard bully antagonist subplot (which includes that scene). Totally unnecessary in a movie where there's already some pretty clear antagonists.

When I saw this headline, my reaction was a big ol' "who fucking cares?"

Aww damn, all we'd get is another couple hours of gigantic, awesome looking robots fighting with giant, awesome looking monsters?

I kind of lost interest when he stopped doing the "Keeping it 100" question with his panel (which often made for hilarious answers), and after the panel was repeatedly kind of boring overall.

M Night Shmalbadams was terrible well before he tried his hand at "effects driven" blockbusters like Avatar. Lady in the Water is still, I maintain, his shittiest movie - and that film is pure hubris.

Widow's arc in Age of Ultron had a lot of romance in it, but it was hardly "mostly" about infertility. That amounted to one powerful scene in the film, that was instantly misunderstood by a bunch of people who couldn't wait to get offended about something, to mean that being infertile was equivalent to being a

They still have to make these films for general audiences, but I think they can indulge some of the reality-warping properties of the stones.

I can't wait to see Infinity War, mostly because I want to see how they represent the abilities of the gauntlet with all of the stones in it. They could do some really dark, trippy stuff.

If Part 1 ended with all of the heroes dead, that would be a pretty epic cliffhanger. And they could totally do it, since it's a two-parter.

I've seriously considered getting one of those BB-8 toys, because they look pretty cool - but this kind of bum rush for tie-in merchandise to a movie that hasn't even come out yet? This is sort of the problem with fanboys.

I guess now the countdown starts for him to either give the perfunctory apology, or double down. Neither of which will really have any effect on the fact that no one should give a shit about what he thinks in the first place.

God, they really have ruined Felicity as a character, haven't they. The scenes with them living a normal life together look fake and terrible, and aside from Olicity, they don't appear to have evolved Felicity beyond the whole "adorkable" routine, that is kind of getting stale now, in season 4.

Sort of like politics, I suspect there's a largely silent majority who are normal people that you never hear about. And then there's a sizeable, loud contingent of psychopaths who give everyone a bad name.