
"In this new trailer, Gotham makes the decision to complete undermine a core part of the Batman mythos - that he is partly responsible for creating his own villains."

Instead of extended editions, I'd like to see a "Tolkien Cut" of some sort, with all of the behind the scenes material, but cut down to one movie.

The slo-mo jump punch thing was the most cringe-worthy part of the episode, because it was clearly supposed to be a badass moment of triumph, but it looked so hilarious.

I think some highly articulated body armor worked fine for a first costume - my only problem was with the helmet, which looked kind of ridiculous.

I think my favourite thinkpiece about the Minaj wax figure drama so far, was the Vice one about how the wax figure was incapable of giving consent.

Lucas gets entirely too much credit for "creating" Star Wars, if you've actually seen the documentaries about how that first movie came together.

Just came out recently - pretty good. Alternate universe movie though.

Their newer, New 52-based Justice League films have been way weaker, it's true. Except for Gods and Monsters, which was from Bruce Timm.

Yep. Marvel Studios might be way more consistent on the movie front, but DC have killed it on the animated front for years and years, going all the way back to B:TAS.

It has to happen.

That'd be an interesting through line with what was revealed in Winter Soldier, but would movie Tony Stark really have cause to be THAT pissed? It's been made pretty clear that Bucky's mind was completely broken by Hydra, so it's not like he was freely choosing to assassinate any of those people.

Along with Jackman as Wolverine, Stewart as Xavier was one of the first truly perfect castings I had ever seen in a comic book movie.

So, I see whatshisface in that screen captureā€¦ does that mean this series is supposed to be canonical with the cancelled series?

I liked both SH movies - I thought Jared Harris' Moriarty in the second one, was really well acted.

Exactly - as a Tolkien fan I'd gladly sit through three oddly-paced eight hour movies to truly do the books 100% justice, but general audiences absolutely would not.

And like GRRM says - you can't ruin the books. They are still right over there on your shelf, if you want to read them.

They left it out because it would be a weird, ridiculous double-climax at the end of the film.

I actually think centralizing the rights resulting in fewer movies per year, would be a GOOD thing.

Of course they are ultimately about the money - but there's nothing to say you can't hire interesting creative minds like James Gunn or the Russo brothers, and make well-liked, entertaining films, while ALSO making money hand over fist.

Anything you've ever paid to see, eat, listen to, or do, is someone selling you stuff; however, some people make better shit to sell you. The reason people are somewhat "invested" in this, is because Marvel Studios overwhelmingly makes the more consistently enjoyable films. Fox and Sony are far more scattershot.