
He was standing at the end of Avengers 1. A true man of action.

Still an embarrassment that the Gaye family won their suit against Robin Thicke (whatever you think of the creep). They seem like quite the litigious bunch.

The best part of this stupid comment, is that you seem to be laying out that the choices are "liberal orthodoxy", or Donald fucking Trump and the rest of the clown car up there last night.

Trump is a psychopath and an idiot, but then you also get to remember the part where he was leading in the polls heading into this debate.

Hey look, that film none of us thought would be good, wasn't good.

Only line that fell completely flat for me was "I'm touching myself tonight", because it just isn't very funny.

This really isn't a mystery to anyone who actually watched the old movies. Max is the ever-present viewer window into the world, not the action hero. It's why Furiosa was the main focus in the film, and it's why she's probably not going to be in any sequels.

I care about whether a movie is good or not - I don't give a shit about what bucket it can be categorized into: remake, sequel, reboot - what the fuck ever.

God people are fucking stupid. Do they really think actors in the middle of filming are in the business of giving "photo ops" to improve public reaction to their movie?

Schumer is one of the Democrats who gives politicians their much earned reputation for being craven opportunists who believe in almost nothing, and I say that as a liberal guy, not a conservative.

Schumer is one of the Democrats who gives politicians their much earned reputation for being craven opportunists who believe in almost nothing, and I say that as a liberal guy, not a conservative.

I've never cared less about a superhero movie, than I have about the FF reboot.

I've never given much of a shit about Deadpool, but the leaked trailer was actually pretty true to the character, and seemed to get a really strong reaction at Comic-Con. One of the only times I've seen a Hall H crowd get them to play a trailer again, by chanting "one more time!" at the end of a panel.

This is my expectation. I enjoyed Anchorman 2 for what it was, but didn't walk away with the same feeling as the first one.

This made me laugh out loud.

Oh, and he also stops the concrete cooling tower from falling on Wolverine at the end. So… that's something.

The internet just wouldn't be the internet without someone to be condescending.

Kind of a low bar among the Hollywood set, that actually thinking and giving a thoughtful answer to a question, instead of a banal one, qualifies you as "so fucking interesting".

As a kid, I was obsessed with Gambit for a long while, and eventually switched over to Cyclops.

Kitsch was fine in the role - he was just given fuck all to do, or work with.