
He's just one of the many herp derps who take the Marvel vs. DC thing too seriously, and foams at the mouth with rage over the criticism DC's movies get.

I thought The Wolverine was pretty good until the final act, which was dumb as fuck. Silver Samurai was stupid schlock, the main villain's motivation was thin and stupid, and Viper kind of sucked.

Was that… Batman I saw, clinging to the top of that car…?

DC did a good job with the animated Dark Knight Returns movie (except for the bullshit move of splitting it into two movies). I'd be fine with this - provided they get Hamill and Conroy for it.

I enjoyed the first Hellboy, but I thought the second one was kind of bad.

If it's Hal Jordan, just cast Nathan Fillion. He already does the voice in the animated realm, and he looks exactly like him. He'd have to get a bit slimmer, maybe. He can also pull off both light-hearted, and gravitas, when he wants to. Ryan Reynolds is the same in every role (though I think he's the perfect

Five years between Spiderman 3 and Amazing Spider Man 1. It's been 3 years since Dark Knight Rises.

On a personal level I think Affleck is sort of a stupid asshole, but there's no doubt that the guy can direct a movie, and he deserves the chance to make a good one after his experience with Daredevil (he wasn't the problem with that movie).

Oliver gets a lot of deserved props for his show, but I really wish people would remember that his writers get an entire week to put that half hour show together. Stewart and Colbert did that shit four days a week, which is remarkable.

Keith occasionally goes too far, but I think he's great. His righteous anger led to some pretty amazing political rants back in the day, and he has carried that indignation to some of his ESPN bits as well.

The victim complex of American Christians never ceases to confuse and amaze me, considering how utterly ascendant Christians still are in American society.

Beyond established canon! Beyond logic! Beyond physics! Beyond complex characterization!

I think Thicke is a creep.

This mesh of Dark Knight Returns, but the origins of the Justice League, continues to leave me more than slightly skeptical, because it makes no sense. And having a Batman who just met Superman deliver that "Remember the one man who beat you" speech, will rob it of all of it's meaning and impact.

I wonder if it ever occurred to him how much the creative people behind The Simpsons probably hate him, and everything he stands for.

That's an odd example, because I don't think anyone would bat an eye at a "toys for boys" aisle - but there's no real physiological (or gendered) difference between a black boy and a white boy (or any other boy). Unless of course, you'd like to wade into the weeds of "gender identity" as a concept.

That's a pretty stunning equivalency.

Discover? It's not some late spoiler - it's ongoing from about an hour into the game onward. I've seen it in "Let''s Play" videos of the game, because it occurs too early to really avoid. Certainly no more a spoiler than the presence of Man-Bat (mentioned in the review above).

Is it a spoiler to speculate on things I don't actually know yet?

I'm enjoying the game, but the car stuff is really unnecessary. I don't come to the Arkham series to participate in tank combat and…. Riddler races?