
The Patriots are also repeat offenders. "Spygate" was not a minor infraction, as much as people seem to have forgotten about it.

I want a toy of Black Widow and Hawkeye in that sweet Audi they drove to the final conflict, while the camera repeatedly focused in on that sweet Audi logo.

I agree that it could have been written a bit more clearly, but to read that scene as "sterilized woman = monster", requires you to be incredibly uncharitable to the film, and incredibly uncharitable to Joss Whedon - a guy who has been one of Hollywood and television's chief male flag bearers for strong female

Is modifying the box art for toys to change the role a female character played in a scene they were in, something that happens "suspiciously often"? Sure would have been nice if Barsanti gave us some actual data in his post, instead of the empty calorie double-punch of snark and a re-used Mark Ruffalo tweet.

It's almost like the scene taking place on that Lego box bears almost no resemblance to the reality of what happened in the movie.

Was a little surprised by how little really happened between Elias and Dominic - essentially they both lost their 2IC, and spent the rest of the time just fucking with each other. Then again, having them both taken out in the finale really hammered home what small potatoes they were compared to Samaritan.

So relieved it got renewed. It's a show that's probably too smart for the kind of broad audience it needs to appeal to in that time slot. Especially as they've increasingly abandoned the "case of the week" format

I actually used to be into the original CSI, when Gil Grissom was still around, and was just a weird, reclusive smart guy. And unlike the spinoffs, it was kinda-sorta grounded in the reality of crime scene processing.

A lot of Dawson's lack of screen time on the show, had to do with availability, if I remember correctly. Probably also explains why she just sort of leaves around episode 9-10.

The CW is a jointly owned network belonging to CBS and Warner Bros. Not exactly lightweights.

No way - go back to that early episode of The Flash, where he has to get a running start to super-sonic punch the metal guy. The CG slo-mo looks terrible.

I think that's incredibly unfair to Agents of SHIELD. They have far superior CG to The Flash or Arrow (seriously, have you seen the Atom suit in motion recently?), and while the set design is still a bit.. plain.. it's incrementally getting better. Blowing up "The Bus" almost seemed to be an in-joke to that effect.

Glad AoS is getting another season to grow, after what has been a much, much better sophomore season. Also think they did the smart thing in not poaching Bobbi and Hunter for a spinoff.

Glad the Wachowskis keep getting work - we need more people willing to be ambitious with their ideas, in film and television… even when they fail. For that reason alone, I'll give this series a chance.

Reading comic book movie-related posts here, is like studying the duality of man - they so badly want to snark on the ubiquity of the entire enterprise and constant news, yet can't stop themselves, because they also know said articles are lucrative sources of clicks for them.

We already knew Black Panther would be introduced in it, but I'm beginning to wonder if these appearances aren't going to be small cameos simply to establish that the two "sides" of the issue at the centre of the civil war don't only consist of Steve Rogers and Tony Stark. (SMALL SPOILERS) Thor is gone back to Asgard

Also, for a guy who keeps insisting that "Maseo is dead", he sure does slip into his old self a lot. But apparently not enough to stop him from trying to murder his wife.

- Is this like the third time they've led an assault on Nanda Parbat this season?

It was already known that no one from phase three was in this film - Black Panther will be in Civil War, as will Spider-man, allegedly. No word on Doctor Strange at all.

My impression was that it was supposed to be a marble statue - an allusion to the idea that they are like contemporary Greek gods or something.