
But the fun Spiderman stuff in ASM 2 amounted to about five minutes.

I think ASM 1 was a decent B-/C+ movie. I think ASM 2 was an unmitigated trainwreck.

Darkness and grit is totally fine, and even great, when paired with the right character (ex. BATMAN). It's less fine when paired with fucking Superman and Aquaman.

That explains it.

The big takeaway for me from this video, is that I didn't realize how much booze-drinking there was on this series.

We already live in a world where young adults portray teenagers routinely in Hollywood.

Not really, provided the films age-up with him. It'd be awkward if they kept pretending he was a teenager, sure.

Yeah… no.

Don't get why it would be a fuck you to them - they decided to part ways with her. It's not like they'd be poaching a director.

I look forward to Peter Parker delivering the awful lines from that book.

So do we have confirmation that Orci and Kurtzman are out as screenwriters for the next Spiderman film? Because unless they are, no amount of magical Kevin Feige pixie dust is going to make this film any good.

If Marvel are smart, they will tie up Michelle McLaren with Captain Marvel.

The iPhone is actually probably one of Apple's most overpriced products - it's just obscured behind the subsidy you get from your carrier.

Complete apples and oranges comparison. Daredevil gets 13 straight hours to lay out a story on "street level", with "street level" expectations. The Avengers deals with "Earth's Mightiest Heroes", and appropriately scaled threats, but they only have a couple of hours to tell their story.

I think AoS has a good chance of surviving for now, simply because ABC and Marvel are part of the same company, and Disney has a lot invested in Marvel's plan.

I always get chills whenever Finch talks directly to the Machine, or vice versa. Their conversation at the end actually made say out loud "save her, you bastard", haha.

I'll admit that I chuckled at that composite image of Jack Black and Jack White.

I smell our new Spiderman!

Uh, after listening to the actual podcast these quotes come from - I suggest everyone go listen to it. It comes off far, far less contentious than the THR and this article make it seem.

Sort of, though the two sides in Civil War are both supposed to be "right" in their own way. Though if you've read it, there's actually a scene where Punisher comes in to join Cap's side, and Cap is basically like "nope, fuck that - he's a lunatic".