
If they want to goose the ratings for AoS, what Marvel need to do (for next season), is pony up whatever it takes to get an appearance by an actual Avenger for a short story arc. And I don't mean Hawkeye.

Yes, but she also seemed pretty determined to get all of Coulson's secrets out in the open, like the rest of Olmost SHIELD.

Oh, and as soon as they said they would work on tapping into Deathlok's eye feed, did anyone not immediately know where it was going?

Good episode. Don't know that I'd go to the absurd length of saying I prefer this to Daredevil, but it was good.

Pretty sure he wrote the first two episodes, then left to work on Sinister Six.

She clearly returned the second attempt at kissing by Fake Barry, which I think is why she was so weirded out. You may be giving that little scene too much credit.

He knew that Joe went to Starling, but didn't let on that he had any idea why Joe was there. And Joe didn't really seem taken aback by his knowledge.

I think Wells' ongoing obliviousness to what is going on around him, is more than slightly beginning to strain credulity. I hope they show that he knows full well what is going on, thought it'd beg the question of why he hasn't been doing more to cover his tracks (like locking his secret room).

I put it in quotes to make it clear that I'm simply referring to how "odd" their music was around the time of Kid A and Amnesiac. Crazy time signatures, sounds, lyrics, and imagery.

He isn't around now. He has a token producer credit, and nothing else.

Wonder if they regret killing off so many characters, now that they've been guaranteed another season.

He left to work on Sinister Six, which created a bunch of legal issues, since I presume Marvel Studios didn't think he had the right to just abandon their show.

From DeKnight's twitter feed: "Love my peeps at Marvel and Netflix. Looking forward to working together again when I'm available! Had a real blast!" Guess it was a scheduling issue.

According to James Gunn, when he met with Joss Whedon and Kevin Feige about his draft for the Guardians script, they said it was good, but they wanted "more James Gunn" in there.

"We talked to the mother of a homicidal monster. You won't believe what she said next!"

I'm also a little confused by this: "Wilson’s efforts are choking the life out of the disenfranchised residents of Hell’s Kitchen, which makes Ben’s strangulation a chilling encapsulation of Wilson’s narrative arc. But did this show really have to kill off its primary person of color?"

Still pretty shocked they killed him off.

Yeah, it annoyed me that Oliver reduced Doris to "cheerleader" to her husband - also sort of ironic in a review that laments empowerment. She essentially gives Ben the strength to do what is right, whatever the consequences. And then in the next episode, it's not like she's a blubbering mess - she has a nice scene

Dark Knight Returns and his run on Daredevil both hold up, for me. Both are products of a specific time (especially politically), but I still enjoy both immensely.

When I got my first car in high school, I blared "National Anthem" on repeat for months, because it's a great song. I love the driving drums, and the fuzzy bass line.