
Yeah… sorry for your loss, haha.

In fairness to Daredevil, it's not like there's much in the way of relationship shit on the show, period, aside from Vanessa/Fisk. Nor can I really think of any place in the show's story, that would have been enhanced by a sex scene between them.

I think it'd be cool if the wider shots of the city had giant chunks of the skyscrapers missing, and construction cranes all over the horizon, from the aftermath of The Avengers. New York just looks like New York on the show

Of course he was - Miller has written some of the best comics of all time, despite some of his objectionable fixations, and the fact that he eventually became a complete lunatic.

I don't like sand.


It'd be more expensive, and would probably make it impossible to recognize what the hell we are even looking at, with how quick the flashback cuts are.

Didn't Iron Man 1 feature Tony seducing and taking home some random news reporter for a one night stand?

I immediately figured it was Gao and Owlsley, but Wesley had me wondering if it was him, just because he almost seemed… too earnestly concerned about Vanessa.

I was fine with the armor. It looked kind of like a stripped down tactical vest with arms and light armor plating, or something. Perfect for a "realistic" first version of what DD's armor eventually becomes. Very practical, and not highly personalized yet.

I was fine with the armor. It looked kind of like a stripped down tactical vest with arms and light armor plating, or something. Perfect for a realistic first version of what DD's armor eventually becomes.

Him handling it alone would make sense if the rest of Fisk's crew doesn't know about his mom. The world thinks she's dead, remember?

I can't stand Fallon, but that doesn't change the fact that this writer was extremely out of line in saying all of this stuff, considering he works for a direct rival, which means he essentially "speaks for" Conan's show in that moment.

He plays the archetype of the lovable rogue - a storytelling archetype that has been around for decades, and well before Han Solo or Jack Sparrow.

As much as you want, unless they start strapping you into the theatre, Clockwork Orange-style.

I'd probably give Winter Soldier an A-, but I'd give Incredible Hulk and Thor 2 both C+'s

Winter Soldier and Iron Man 3 both didn't need the action extravaganzas at the end, but the dumb masses probably wouldn't have it any other way.

Darth Vader had three movies to be developed over. In "A New Hope". he was just "guy in robot costume with scary voice who used to be a good guy". Grand Moff Tarkin was more of a "real" villain than Vader in that film - Vader just busted kneecaps for him.

The idea of DC tapping her to make a super hero movie, and then citing "inexperience with directing action" in parting ways with her, is nonsensical on a surface level.

MacLaren should be on Marvel's shortlist for directing Captain Marvel now. The only excuse for her not to be, would be if Marvel were concerned about it damaging their relationship with DC, or whatever.