
I maintain the only problem with Noah's twitter jokes, was that they were painfully unfunny. Comedians have a license to toe the line of offensiveness, depending on the context. Noah's jokes just boiled down to "<ancient, played="" out="" stereotype="">, amirite?"

Except for the scene a few episodes ago where he openly admits to Laurel that "at first" his insane turn was about his grief over Sara, but that now it was about "the law", etc etc etc. The show had Laurel openly call him out on the grief angle. He also apologized to Oliver for his anger and treatment of him when he

I'd say there's a 98% chance she takes up Roy's place at Oliver's side, and becomes "Speedy" by next season. Which is probably why Roy left the show - because they knew his character was going to become super redundant.

I had this experience with The Flash last night. Felt cheap, and the story felt like it was moving at a glacial pace, compared to what I watched on the previous weekend with Daredevil.

Absolutely. Which is a shame, because they've really kind of ruined what was one of my favourite characters through most of season 1 and 2.

As soon as I heard rumours someone might die this season, I figured it was Roy. But with all of Lance's insane shit over the past few episodes, I'm thinking it might be him.

Detective Lance keeps going farther and farther past the mark of coherent motivation. So he hates Oliver and wants him to rot in prison for the rest of forever… but not Roy. And not his daughter. And not Felicity or Diggle. The people who all help Oliver do exactly what Lance has suddenly decided is such a scourge

I mean, just think of how many times you've watched a show with a full 22-23 episode run, and the main plot doesn't advance AT ALL for several episodes every season.

But again - *assuming* that's all his plan is, which he never states.

Network show means less money per episode, more requirements to parcel out the story in smaller bites so people can jump in at any time and arc-of-the-week storytelling, and less time to make it all.

They wouldn't make this series with the tone and pacing they did, just to do a 180 and turn Daredevil into "just another super hero". That also isn't really the appeal of Daredevil as a comic, frankly, and I think Marvel are smart enough to know that - they did commission and oversee THIS run of episodes, after all.

He doesn't want to save what his city currently is - he wants to make it his version of "better", which - yes - probably includes pushing out or wiping out the lower classes in favour of more people like him.

I remember there was a scene in the Avengers where Black Widow was clearly a bit winded from fighting (before she gets a boost into the air on one of those flying things). I've just never seen her and Hawkeye in enough fighting to really justify being exhausted. This Daredevil seems to constantly get in lengthy

D'Onofrio himself describes his Fisk as a "child monster", which I think is apt.

That was my point. I said I could understand them being angry about future episodes leaking as they have, but that cell phone streaming is utterly inconsequential.

Are HBO really *that* concerned about people streaming their shows from a cell phone?

Holy shit did the Atom flying shots look like the cheapest CG imaginable. I know it's a CW budget, but… damn. Maybe a dude with a knock-off Iron Man suit wasn't the wisest choice when you don't have the budget to do it anything resembling justice. I kind of felt bad for Brandon Routh, who went from being Superman

Same here. Haven't seen a RAW since the middle of the "Attitude Era", but I still read these things just to hear about the chaos going on these days.

Maybe she wanted Wonder Woman to make a joke at some point, and the suits at DC were all "NO JOKES, MISS MACLAREN. THE DC SHARED UNIVERSE IS A GRIMDARK ONE."

On the bright side - the longer it stays on the air, the more chances it has to fix what sucks about it.