
I really loved the black and gold colour palette too.

Having Root on Team Machine has made her so much more fun. I'll be interested to see what they end up using that super-secure briefcase for.

Batman has a much vaunted "no kill rule", yet routinely unleashes severe head trauma on criminals - many of whom would undoubtedly suffer brain damage or death from either the blows themselves, or from hitting the ground.

It seems to me like SHIELD used to just look at powered people as threats to be monitored, and Coulson has softened on that through his experiences, whereas Olmost SHIELD has become far harder edged about it, due to their experiences from the HYDRA event.

To be fair, it took an hour with one of their special battering rams to knock the door off the hinges

God, and it sounds like such an amazing sandwich, too.

I'd heard rumours of Hawkeye possibly making a cameo on the show this season, and thought for a moment that maybe this was going to be that moment.

In fairness, Mack and Bobbi have mentioned on a few occasions that they knew it wasn't going to be hugs all around when shit went down. I think they say it this episode.

I thought her scarred face was kind of creepy and awesome, once you realized that she essentially regenerated her entire body from a dissected cadaver that had been robbed of a bunch of its organs.

It wouldn't be too far out for them to assume Jemma is firmly on their side, what with her recent "harsh" turn against people with abilities, and "Real SHIELD" being in the same vein.

If anything the post-credits tradition is sort of nice for the people who made the film, because it ensures more people will sit through the credits and see at least some of the names of the people who worked 60 hour weeks to make the movie.

I don't really care about Deadpool as a character all that much, but I hope this film is good and does really well - because I'd like studios to see that R-rated comic book films can work.

"I didn't watch the documentary, but here's what I thought of it…"

I'm pretty sure The Avengers was the only film with two scenes during the credits, so this isn't really s sea change - they are just getting rid of the typical post-credits scene, and making it a mid-credits scene instead. Which is great, because it means you don't have to sit through the entire end credits any more.

No, it doesn't, any more than someone telling you that pink unicorns exist, REQUIRES you to either agree, or stake out the position that they definitely do not.

I didn't say they were direct analogies in every sense. I specifically addressed the part about how not having a belief system is somehow a belief system.

They spent so much time covering boring shit in Paris, that I can only presume it's setting the table for the rest of the season. If that's the case, I can live with this episode.

American Dad & Cosmos. I also still maintain that "Ted" was a pretty fun movie, for the most part.

Atheism is a "belief system", the same way not collecting stamps is a hobby.

How does this episode possibly snap things into focus? A bunch of really cool shit happens, if looked at in a contextual vacuum, but MOTIVATIONS are still nonsensical, or weak.