
Stand-up comedians making "edgy" jokes is nothing new. It's more worrying that all of these jokes were not funny at all. A lot of them were downright lame, and basically boil down to "stereotype, amirite?"

I can't even laugh at the absurdity of Scientology any more. Real people are being hurt by that organization.

I still don't understand why Athelstan would throw it away in the first place. It wasn't a religious artifact, it was something given to him by his friend, to symbolize him finally becoming a "full member" of viking society. He got it after fighting bravely in a battle, not for pledging himself to the Norse gods.

I loved it. It'll be a fantastic ongoing source of shame for Aslaug, because it was her fuckup that led to Siggy's death. I can't stand Aslaug as portrayed by the writers of this show. She comes across as snotty, and boring, and now she's adding irresponsibility with her own children to the list.

Floki was already out of town, at his own shipyard. That's why he told Helga to tell no one what he was doing - no one expected him to be in Kattegat.

1) I think the end of the episode, with Ragnar a) shaving his head, b) putting on Athelstan's crucifix, and c) apologizing for what he's going to do, leads to one conclusion: Ragnar is going to use his knowledge of Christianity to pose as a priest in Paris, in order to get inside the city.

The Machine told Root that Finch's plan gets Professor Whistler killed, if carried out. The Machine doesn't know that Finch is Finch, because of the blind spot - but it would figure out that "Whistler" was responsible for the hack. Finch isn't on Samaritan's radar, but Whistler is, and would be easily tracked down.

You would think murdering the mayor for no goddamn reason would kind of clinch the fact that the real Arrow wasn't behind it.

I had to sit here for a second to even remember what has happened in Hong Kong this season.

I just picture Ra's walking down to the League of Assassin's sewing pool like J Jonah Jameson, and yelling "Ladies! I need 20 replica Arrow costumes! Now!"

"Sure, you've saved my life, and you saved both of my daughters' lives on several occasions - but you didn't tell me about an (admittedly big) personal thing! Boys, get your guns! We gotta go kill this son of a bitch!"

Oh - and score another episode of Felicity getting all welled up and weepy, while delivering a monologue about something.

Making Lance suddenly hate the Arrow again (seriously, check out the trailer for next week's episode), kind of diminishes Lance's character. He should be pissed at the Arrow and Laurel for not telling him about Sara, but that should be a more complex mixture of grief and hurt - not turning back the dial, and making

Not necessarily, no. But based on Man of Steel, do you trust Snyder with him?

Even better then. He had the audacity to have his head in the path of Clarkson's fist.

It's kind of incredible how many people are abusing the VICTIM OF THE ASSAULT, because they are upset that he didn't just "take it", and got Jezzer in trouble instead.

Did you wash your hands?

"He's not like any of the Lex's you've seen!" — Oh good, for a minute there I thought Snyder might actually respect the age-old characteristics of these characters that have been around since before he was born.

Barry calling them his "rogues gallery" was a bit too on-the-nose for me.

Blegh - there seemed to be some really contrived plot turns this week. Seeing that Mason Bridges is missing suddenly convinces Barry that everything Joe suspected about Wells was true? Cold essentially gives in to all of Barry's demands, despite not showing any real issue with killing up to now? And after one 30