
If I had to guess, I think she's going to be playing HYDRA Bob.

Bucky, what has you done to yourself!

If they make the movie based on their test footage, then I suspect he will keep the mask on - or take it off briefly to show off his scarred head.

Filming a movie over 12 years is interesting and risky, but that doesn't automatically make Boyhood a great film. Because it isn't. The sheer, mouth-agape awe at this film, continues to be extremely embarrassing.

"Listen Dad, I forgave you for killing those hundreds of innocent people in the Glades a couple of years ago - but how dare you not tell me my brother was the Arrow! And also, how dare you unwittingly force me to kill ONE person myself! We are SO done, you monster!"

Oh God, when I saw Laurel looking at that bottle like she was going to drink it, I was like OH FUCK NO PLEASE NO. I can't handle another alcoholic turn for Laurel, unless it culminates with them killing off her drunk ass, in an occult ceremony to resurrect Sara.

Aside from the Batman trilogy, and since 2008, he's completely correct. This snark was kind of bizarre.

I mean, at least that's a question where you can keep saying "well, maybe they will get to that next week".

Though a bunch of shit they've set up narratively still doesn't make any goddamn sense, I actually thought this episode finally brought a lot of things into focus, and cleaned up some of the dangling threads.

DJ Dumbass died for our sins.

I'm fine with rebooting Spider-man again, so long as they do away with the origin story this time.

The dumb masses (dumbasses?) don't like complex, borderline cyber-punk television serials. They just want this show to be yet another bland procedural.

I'm guessing she will be back once she has an episode that "returns her faith", much like John's episode on the airplane after Carter died.

Perhaps the machine can access feed archives, as long as they are being stored somewhere, by whoever owns the security cameras in question.

I half-expected the fixer to turn out to be Zoe herself, and she was just "working with" the guys in order to a) steer their investigation away from her actual goals, and b) keep tabs on them, once she realized they were involved. Would have been a great twist, though I suppose it'd be too evil for the character

But again - you're just pointing out the obvious, which is that everyone with an IQ over 50 knows they are full of shit. That's not in dispute.

Beck got punted because his show increasingly became a parody of itself, the advertisers started bailing, and Ailes himself started to dislike what Beck was doing on his show.

Fox News literally has "fair and balanced" as their slogan. But they don't "hold themselves out as truth-tellers"?

You're arguing that NBC shouldn't hold a high standard of integrity, because Fox News gets away with not holding one. That's what he's criticizing you for, and you apparently missed it.

Pretty sad and appropriate that this the first time anyone in the media has suffered any professional consequences for coverage of the Iraq War.