
I didn't really get a "creepy" vibe from the ghost pepper bit at the end. It was a silly, cutesy way for him to show how committed he apparently is to their dating, after Iris undermined it.

He probably should have retired about a year ago, and handed the show off to John Oliver. I've noticed that the quality of the writing has declined as more and more of the show's "golden age" writers moved on to other projects, and the endless well of great correspondents seemed to kind of dry up. Jon himself can't

My money is on Marvel declining to do another Spider-man origin story, and just treating him as a character that already exists in the world.

A police procedural where the main character has an eidetic memory, sounds like the most boring twist on the genre, in history. A genre that's already super played out in the first place.

How is this show doing, ratings-wise?

My initial reaction to riders like these is always to think they are ridiculous, but I think when you're on the road playing shows for months every year, being able to dictate some of the terms of what you're given for food and drink, as well as accommodations, makes some sense. So long as you don't go overboard with

As an actor, you can do a lot worse than becoming an iconic superhero character. You get to make really good money, have a built in audience of enthusiastic fans, and hold a special affinity to small children, that really allows you to make their day. And if you're in the MCU, you have the added benefit of your

I hope this does well for them. Cloud Atlas and Speed Racer were both great films, that were sadly misunderstood by a lot of critics.

She went from almost getting murdered three times last week, to Roy commenting on how Ted Grant sure can train 'em this week.

Oh, and the police can't go into the Glades, because Brick has TWO HOSTAGES. Except when superheroes show up - then he forgets he has that leverage.

Felicity, didn't you hear? MALCOLM LOVES THEA. As far as I'm concerned, that absolves all of his sins. I mean, yeah, he forced her to murder his enemies, and she will probably die a little inside when she finds out she was forced to murder a family friend… but that's love, baby! Love doesn't always make sense,

I agree, and I think trying to fit so many important plot beats into 45 minutes of television, turned the whole thing into somewhat of a farce.

Hi Daddy! I know you're a mass murderer of innocents who the world thinks is dead, but can you help me to never be afraid or get hurt again?

Wow… a B+? Am I the only one who thought this episode was a total clusterfuck?! This episode was a C- for me, at BEST.

The director's cut of the Affleck movie was better than the original version, but both still aren't great. Their versions of Kingpin and Elektra were both stupid, the effects and fights all looked cheap and bad, and it had one of the worst soundtracks ever, with all of that nu-metal bullshit.

I'm sorry, I just can't dismiss Age of Ultron. It's a Joss Whedon movie, which means it'll probably be a lot of fun again. And Spader's Ultron looks and sounds amazing.

Find it odd that we live in a world where being pathetic cheerleaders for a war that costs tens of thousands of lives, and over a trillion dollars… that's okay. You get to remain on television.

Dyson Sphere is just a cool, almost impossible sci-fi concept. Dyson Swarm is actually interesting, useful scientific concept.

I don't know how they look like cosplay, when with rare exception, they basically wore black leather outfits instead of their actual classic costumes.

The early days of X-Men are essentially what gave birth to the modern superhero film genre. X1 and X2 are both well regarded films, in terms of box office, and critical reception. X2 in particular.