
They have that moment where it seems like she's going to be another love interest, but then she flips out and holds a knife to his throat. And then the movie never really revisits that dynamic again. Peter was an intergalactic "ladies man", and that was before their GOTG partnership was solidified, so it made sense

Black Widow wasn't a love interest for Hawkeye. It was clear that they had some sort of caring relationship, but it's never made out as anything more than a deep friendship.

I generally dislike Family Guy, really like American Dad, and hated A Million Ways to Die in the West, and you know what? Ted was a decent comedy, with some pretty funny shit in it.

I thought The Wolverine was quite good, right up until the Silver Samurai shows up. Then that movie turns into bad action schlock.

The first half of First Class was a lot of fun. The entire end "mission" section of the movie was poorly directed, and incredibly cheap looking.

MacTaggart had somewhat of a relationship with Prof X in First Class, so her being a "love interest" is a continuation from that film.

If your contract with the league mandates that you answer some questions from the media for a few minutes, then fucking do it. Reporters tend to vastly overstate their importance to the NFL's prominence, but they do contribute.

"Space adventure movies should have more trade disputes in them"

Diggle earlier THIS SEASON, scolded Laurel and told her that her father had a right to know about Sara. Since then, they've just dropped it, and now Felicity is even helping her keep up appearances.

I love how that's the ongoing explanation, as though Laurel coping by pretending to be her sister and getting her untrained ass kicked by street thugs is somehow a less self-destructive way to handle a death in the family.

Why would Diggle or Felicity ever consent to helping her keep up that cruel charade? It's insane.

You know, I wasn't immediately pissed that they killed off Caity Lotz, because deaths of major characters can be mined for a lot of good stories and drama - but man, has Arrow ever fumbled this one.

1) First mention of the Speed Force at the very end of the episode, from Wells. So we know this show is going to have it, finally. And he says he's "absorbing" it using the tachyon device - trying to siphon it off from Barry, or trying to infuse himself with it?

Decent trailer. Looks like it might be better than the previous FF movies. Not much more to say, really.

There's a resemblance, but I don't think there was enough of one to demand a freaking writing credit for it. When enough songs all use similar melodic combinations, some of them end up sounding a little bit similar. Pop songs in particular, recycle the same handful of basic melodies all the time, with minor twists.

Even if I disagreed with Rogen's comments… who gives a shit? The guy is entitled to have an opinion. I don't understand people who fly off the handle with all of this spittle for an actor on Twitter, giving their opinion. Idiots like Ted Nugent and Adam Baldwin say shit or Tweet shit I find offensively stupid all

I think Trekkies generally consider Season 4 to be a good one, so I'm probably the oddity here, haha.

Oh - I'd also like a blu-ray release for The Iron Giant.

Peter Parker gets a big electromagnet installed in his chest, where his sternum used to be. to stop shrapnel from entering his heart.

I think it was Malcolm and Hoshi, haha. Don't forget the pilot (whose name is escaping me) - he was boring too. I thought Trip was fine, and I thought T'Pol and Archer were reasonably well cast, as was Doctor Phlox.