
I thought the XIndi season was the zenith of that show, but I thought season four was a mess. They turned the leader of the Vulcans into a complete, mustache twirling lunatic. They turned Soval into a "good guy" all of a sudden. They did that convoluted storyline about Surak's katra being inside Archer. They

M. Night is quickly becoming the big budget Uwe Boll.

I'd be the first to lose my mind if they announced a continuation of The Next Generation-style Star Trek, with an all-new crew and Enterprise.

1) A new Star Trek TV show, in the spirit of The Next Generation, and not TOS, or god forbid, the Abrams movies. And get a new cadre of producers and writers, not Berman and Braga.
2) A time machine, so I can keep Firefly going. Sadly, all of the actors are now either a bit too old, or in the case of Nathan Fillion,

Sadly, I bet the Abrams movies have made them more money than the Trek TV shows ever did.

Funnier than I expected from a first episode, but clearly Larry needs a bit of time to get comfortable with hosting. And he will.

I won't let one slightly disappointing image of CG characters ruin any excitement I have for this, but at the same time, I really wish they'd kept the marionettes and models. The fact that they didn't, makes me think this is just going to be squarely aimed at kids, and not try to appeal to older audiences who

It's nice to shoot entire movies on green screen. Because then you can just sit there, with your coffee.

"Hate" is reserved for war criminals and serial killers. Lucas just makes lots of shitty movies.

"You can't judge directors for what they produce" is just about the funniest thing I've ever read.

I can vouch for this guy being a dedicated Lucas apologist.

It's like a poem. Every stanza rhymes with the last one. Hopefully it'll work.

Still waiting for the first feature film set to a 2 hour loop of Brodyquest.

What was farcical about Anakin Skywalker murdering the entire Jedi Order, children and all, because an evil guy told him he once knew a guy who could cheat death, and maybe they could re-discover it? What, I ask you?

He finished the script for Phantom Menace something like two weeks before principal photography started, which is insane. It's also why the dialogue and pacing in that movie (and the other two), are utter garbage. His scripts feel like first drafts, that everyone around him is too terrified to tell him need a bunch

I really liked Rango, and it's one of the few performances Depp has given in the last 15 years, where he didn't put on a silly outfit and/or affectation. Then again, I suppose I never actually saw footage of him in the VO booth.

Empathy? Nothing happened to him. He got to go on being President, and had a massive approval rating for a long time after 9/11. Now he gets to live the rest of his life in lavish luxury, painting cats, clearing brush, and otherwise doing whatever he wants, while everyone else is left with the mess. Why do I have

I strongly believe that Bush II is probably one of the top 5 worst presidents in American history. Not the worst, because if you look back, there were some shockingly awful presidents - but definitely in the bottom 5.

I actually thought Moore walking around asking if Congressmen would enlist their children in the military, was a stroke of brilliance. Congress is filled with chickenhawks salivating to send American soldiers off to war, but only a small minority of them have children, or have themselves, volunteered to join the

I think it's funny that you say "not even after 9/11", as though it should be self-evident that the US needed to go to war with SOMEONE because of 9/11 - even if one of the countries had nothing to do with the attack.