
You don't give a Flash character the last name Thawne, and conspicuously have the actor not do any press about his character, if he's going to be a "good guy".

Jesse L Martin and Grant Gustin have such amazing on-screen chemistry. Their relationship feels completely real.

Excellent point.

I would imagine they don't. I bet they care about making sure their wounds are well taken care of, or that they have a prosperous life to come back to, however.

Lindsey Graham is definitely the perfect template for the person I describe above. That snivelling coward would gladly toss just about any freedom or human right overboard, if he thought it might help protect him from the monsters under his bed.

My favourite part in all of this was the media indignation about North Korea hacking targets in the United States, only for it to later turn out that the only reason the United States was sure it was North Korea, was because THEY HAD ALREADY HACKED NORTH KOREA FIRST.

You want to "support the troops"? Then only put them in harms way when absolutely necessary, and spend whatever it takes to take care of them when they come home - heal them mentally and physically, and help reintegrate them into society.

Sandler as a babysitter is extremely plausible, because it'd mostly just require him to sit around and watch TV, while checking his Twitter feed on his cellphone. It's the perfect role for the lazy sacks of shit Sandler films are these days. Throw in some of that trademark "silly" voice he's been doing for 20 years,

Kevin Hart is the opposite of humour. I don't mind Josh Gad, but the dude really needs to pick better gigs. Hart is pretty much Dane Cook v2.0 to me, right down to their utter mercenary personalities, and the ripping off of other, better comedians (either direct material, or overall schtick).

The motto for the PMC he was creating at the time of his murder, was something along the lines of "Violence DOES solve problems".

The real-life Kyle bragged about allegedly killing over 30 looters in New Orleans, and relished killing people overseas (who he referred to as "savages"). It's also beyond-clear that a lot of his claims are exaggerations at best, and completely made up at worst.

Always thought it was a cool idea, but only if the apparatus was much, much smaller (and a lot cheaper).

It got great reviews, and great reactions here. That movie is fantastic, and so much goddamn fun.

My mistake.

I think creepy little kid worked fantastically in the previous episode, as a voice to talk to the Machine's own analog interface. I think having him as a little man about town, fielding meetings with the President, and creeping out the Chief of Staff, works a lot less. Greer should be performing those duties.

I thought Control was great in this episode. I loved that she was still so bound up in the supposed righteousness of the lives she had taken, that she still killed Yusuf, and still bragged to the guy at the White House about it (number 854), yet also remained consistent in her ruthless intelligence, because she

At this point they might as well tell him. Being Fusco, I doubt he'd even give a shit.

Finally watched an episode of this show recently, where Andy Samberg was trying to get Andre Braugher's watch as part of some annual bet… and I found it completely un-funny. Was kind of disappointed, as I'd been reading here for a while about how great this show was.

I always skip the monologue, because his crafted jokes are always the weakest part of the show. New Rules can be good, mostly if he goes on an extended riff on a political topic.

The original Taken was fun in a really stupid sort of way, but I always found it hilarious how everyone in that movie EXCEPT Liam Neeson, is an irresponsible jackass. Famke Janssen was set up as the typical "shrill, eternally glowering ex-wife harpy". Neeson has that hilarious exchange with her new husband where he