
I don't think a self-selecting group of 2600 people who specifically paid money to see Bill Cosby, really qualifies to speak for either country.

In other words, it's a post-hoc exploration of a core story point that wasn't addressed properly in the films. Reminds me of the EU books that tried to re-contextualize what "midichlorians" really were, after Lucas put that awful concept out there in Phantom Menace.

Sure, but a person in normal physical health can't just shut down and die because of psychological anguish. That's essentially exactly what happens, and the droid (hilariously) says as much.

Lucas wrote Attack of the Clones before the Bush era began, and well before 9/11 or the "War on Terror". He also decided on the "clone army" concept back when he was writing The Empire Strikes Back. And even if the Republic provisionally decided to use this army, you'd think the Jedi Council would be all over trying

We have a true believer here.

Oh yeah! I forgot that one!

It's a news satire show. How the hell is it possible to know if it's good or not, before they start taking on the actual news?

Two most hilarious logical oversights in the prequels: 1) Why does no-one on the Jedi council ever investigate who commissioned the creation of a clone army or why, like, AT ALL? They never bother to look into their "programming", or how a clone army was commissioned without any knowledge or permission of the Jedi

The Ewoks suck, but now that the prequels exist, there's way bigger fish to fry.

Yes, the guy who hated the three movies that pretty much all die-hard Star Wars fans hate. For a detailed rundown of why, I suggest watching the Mr. Plinkett reviews on YouTube.

Best line of the episode:

It's deeper than that with Wiseau, believe me. Almost undoubtedly some sort of mental illness, or damage related to a car accident Sestero claims he was in a long time ago.

As the book later makes clear, that probably had more to do with Wiseau feeling isolated and lonely, than any great kindness in his heart.

Going to a Wiseau live show, at this point, would feel akin to going to a Mike Tyson live show (recognizing the difference of degree between Wiseau, and a convicted sex offender, obviously).

Give me Detective Carter back, you bastards.

Ever since reading The Disaster Artist (an amazing book, by the way), I just don't find Tommy as funny any more. The book makes it clear that there's actually more of a darkness beneath Wiseau's "silly" personality.

Shocked that a cartoon starring a guy who makes snarky, offensive comments about YouTube videos for a living, wasn't a runaway success.

Also, when are we going to get some payoff to Finch saying "It's time we had a talk, you and I" to the Machine, like 4-5 episodes ago?

Judging by both interviews on the EW site, it sounds like they are going to remove her from the show for the foreseeable future, but not outright confirm that she's dead.

Looks fine to me. As with a lot of Marvel trailers, it'll be impossible to get a better idea about the tone or the look of the film until the second or third trailer. Remember the Iron Man 3 trailer, that made that movie seem like it was going to be some "dark third chapter"?