
Same thing man. I decided a few months ago to give this show a shot finally, and ended up watching every episode up-to-current within like a week.

The Samaritan operatives arrived earlier than in the simulation, too. Remember Root saying that out loud, when they were trying to get the elevator working? I think the idea was that Shaw sacrificed herself willingly, instead of the Machine doing it for one of them via it's "plans".

- This. Fucking. Show.
- The scenario where the Machine sped things up by reducing the team dialogue to descriptions of what they were saying, was hilarious. I love when this show has a bit of fun like that.
- Any time Harold is talking to the Machine, is candy for my brain. The aspect of Harold being like a parent to

I don't really follow what "prestige" programming even means - programming that gets the most handshakes from the industry? Have you seen some of the shitty movies that have gotten Oscar nominations before?

I think it's been extremely close this season, so far. Arrow kind of floundered around with whole killing of Sara thing, whereas AoS immediately dove into exactly the kind of stuff people wanted LAST season.

If you just want to consume TBBT in any form, then sure - if you specifically want to watch the latest episode, then syndication is no help to you.

It actually makes sense, if you don't like the show enough for it to be appointment viewing, but are still keeping up with it in case it finally gets good.

Box sets should be released like a week after a show's season finale, except the networks insist in squeezing every last dollar out of re-broadcasts before they will let consumers have what they want, when they want it.

Vikings is a great TV show, and probably has my favourite female character in all of television right now (Lagertha).

I know more than one person who a) watches a TV episode during it's broadcast, b) downloads the episode via torrent after it airs so that they can re-watch it at their leisure, and then c) buys the Blu-Ray release months later, when it finally comes out, so they can have higher quality versions, along with the special

Because it was an absurd portrayal of what the Venom symbiote supposedly does to people - it makes them gel their bangs down over their eyes, pop their collar, and strut like an idiot while being a creepy asshole towards women?

I think the most hilarious part of the Raimi Spider-man films, was how increasingly convoluted the events the night of Uncle Ben's death became - especially in the third one.

Everything you just said is kind of insane. I don't care if people like the Marvel Studios films or not, but to say you hated them, AND really liked Spider-man 3? That just doesn't compute.

Way to erect and triumphantly cast down that weird strawman version of what I actually typed. There's a vast ocean of potential compromise between "intellectual exercise" and "action schlock".

Nolan managed to combine thoughtfulness with visual spectacle in Interstellar, despite whatever flaws that movie might have. It's insane that no one seems willing to do it with the mother-of-all thoughtful science fiction TV shows.

I disliked the Fast & Furious films up to Fast Five, when the series seemed to develop a weird self-awarness of what silly schlock it was, and embraced it. Since then, I've enjoyed them. The fact that they have almost nothing to do with the idiotic underground racing culture now, probably helps too.

Speaking as someone who is atheist, I found "Noah" enjoyable enough. I really liked the almost stop-motion animation quality to the "rock monsters", the scene of the bird in flight over rapidly cutting scenery, and the disturbing stuff like when you could hear people crying and dying outside the ark while the world

It's funny - I think the worst part of the new Ninja Turtles movie, was the lack of time given to the Ninja Turtles to just be… the Ninja Turtles. In the brief moments where they were, the movie was fine. Fun, even.

I always love when corporate stooges try to rewrite history, while simultaneously insisting that they are actually setting the record straight.

Yeah, Groot's childlike smile after he kills those guys is pretty hilarious. Got a huge laugh from the audience I was in. I just love how he turns like "eh? ehhhh?", haha. Yondu's obsession with the little tchotchkes on his ship console was also pretty great.