
This was a pretty great year for action movies, and a pretty great year for comic book movies in particular. X-Men, Cap 2, and GOTG were all a lot of fun, and really true to the spirit of comics in general. Comics films can keep flooding out as far as I'm concerned, so long as they hit this kind of quality bar more

The movie isn't the most graceful behemoth action film ever made, but it's pure, unadulterated fun. Guardians gave me the same feeling I got when I saw Pacific Rim in theatres.

By the same token, I thought the writing in Boyhood was some of the most hilariously out of touch writing for an adolescent I've ever seen.

One of the twenty best films of the year, yes - it, or Winter Soldier. Not exactly an astronomical bar to get over.

A list that includes Gone Girl, but not Winter Soldier or Guardians, is kind of a travesty. Fully expected to see one of them in the 10-20 spots at least.

Welcome to the suck.

The man hasn't even finished the script for Guardians 2 yet, so I wouldn't draw too much information from this. At least 1-2 of the Guardians are all but guaranteed to make an appearance in Infinity War, because of Thanos - but those movies are 4 and 5 years away. By then Gunn's second Guardians movie will be firmly

I thought the boomerangs themselves were neat, but I thought the character and his lines were kind of shit. And they give him such a bland origin. A guy named "Digger Harkness", who throws boomerangs as his primary weapon, should be more colourful and campy than a dude in a dark trenchcoat who used to be an ARGUS

I really enjoy the scene with Bruce reading the letter from his father at the end.

Fine by me. The name recognition of Barry Allen, and the compassion/good hearted silliness of Wally West.

I think this might be my favourite JL/JLU episode. There's three little scenes I absolutely love in it:

This is probably unfair, but I have trouble taking her seriously since her role in Pain & Gain, and the utterly juvenile dialogue she was forced to deliver.

Oh, and considering Thea owns Verdant, she really doesn't seem concerned about learning what a door in her own building with a security code lock leads to (the one to the Arrowcave). Seems like a bit of plot weirdness that could have been avoided by relocating the Arrowcave between seasons (and good policy,

So, they seemed to gloss over some weird stuff this week (that, or I haven't been paying attention?)

I think it's all but confirmed that Reverse Flash is either Future Eddie, or a future descendant of Eddie. I still think Wells is just intentional misdirection away from Eddie, even if he might be a) another villain, or b) a morally ambiguous character tasked to protecting the timeline, or something.

True, and the RLM guys come right out at the end and say that they suspect the film is getting such rave reviews, simply because of the ambition of the project. But then Mike sums it up for me: "If I didn't like the movie, I didn't like the movie."

I was thinking of the film's 99% score on Rotten Tomatoes when I wrote that sentence.

I think it's accurate, simply because of how overwhelmingly positive the reception has been. I should add that "overrated" doesn't mean I think the movie is a complete piece of shit.

I think Boyhood might be one of the most overrated films in the history of the medium. Props to Linklater for the risk involved, and for the ingenuity of the concept itself… but I thought the end result just wasn't that great.

Given how good of friends Edgar Wright is with Simon Pegg, it's a good bet that Wright might actually be a huge Trekkie too.