
Reynolds is actually a great casting for a proper Deadpool. It'll all come down to how faithful the writing is. I don't much care about Deadpool, but a comic book movie with that style of fourth wall-breaking humour and stuff could be a good time. And the dudebros will eat it up.

Schwarzenegger's acting has actually gotten worse as he gets older. It's almost worth the price of admission, just to see his ongoing struggle with the english language.

- Oliver suddenly moping about torturing someone seems really ridiculous, considering he's been non-lethally putting arrows in people for like 1.5 years now.

I'd love to see another season of this show, but weren't the ratings kind of awful? Especially for the CGI budget that show must have had?

I can watch the really old Bond movies as enjoyable schlock, but I'm so glad they abandoned it for the modern movies. Go back and watch any of the Brosnan Bond movies - they are shit, with the exception of Goldeneye (and I can't figure out if that caveat has to do with my nostalgia for the video game).

1) He's been around for less than half a season, and 2) He's a supporting cast member, and not a member of the main cast.

Anyone could give birth to a gay child. Anyone could give birth to a transgender child. Half the population (if not more) stiill has suspicions, fears, and misunderstandings about such people.

I think reducing Mack to the "magical negro" is a bit much. He became Fitz's friend, and the one person Fitz could talk to, after the collapse of his relationship with Simmons. Towards the end of this episode, when Fitz is stuttering about something, Simmons ends up filling in the blank after Mack says "don't look

The Speed Force essentially allows the Flash to manipulate the laws of physics. Assuming this TV version actually taps into the Speed Force, that is.

1) The show isn't about Black Canary. It's about Green Arrow. 2) The show hasn't even gotten to the canonical version of Black Canary yet, and it appears it's going to get closer this season. And Sara was probably one of the top 3 characters on that show, in terms of kicking ass and looking awesome, because Caity

Uh, maybe chill out there hero. Not everyone watches Arrow.

I don't think those Atlas Shrugged movies were a case of preserving copyright - I think they were an increasingly broke filmmaker, desperately trying to finish their story, and hoping that they could grind out a small profit by the end.

Unless he makes a habit of reading AV Club comments, nothing we say here is going to do anything.

He's using the tank to blow up what I believe are mechanical drones, and property. He also had a tank with guns, in Dark Knight Returns, arguably one of the top three Batman stories of all time.

That was kind of condescending. I understand that old swords have hilts, and many have cross-guards. My point was that a) lightsabers have never ever (to my knowledge) been depicted with them, and b) I don't understand what the use for them would possibly be on a lightsaber, in the first place, considering it's been

Good to know the real name for it, but I still don't understand, haha.

Nice to get our first look at what the visual style of this movie will be, and I like it.

AC Black Flag was one of my top 3 games last year. The series can be great, but the archaic free-running controls and feature creep needs to be rethought. I'd also like to see them implement a true stealth system. And abandon the stupid, present day meta-story.

This is my number 1 piss-off when discussing science with laypeople/skeptics - the conflating of the capital-T Theories of science, and the lower case "t" of theories, which could be as little as a wild guess about something.

I'd kill for a Star Trek-esque TV show that dealt with a more realistic notion of astrophysics and space travel. I want to see generation ships, and space elevators made of graphene ribbons that allow construction of orbiting space docks and mining stations, etc.