
The Flash pilot was entertaining, but man, some of that dialogue was just awful. Looks like Iris might be this show's Laurel, judging by the quality of her lines.

I welled up during the sequence in How To Train Your Dragon, where Hiccup and Toothless get to know each other for the first time, and the moment where he sticks out his hand with his eyes closed, and lets Toothless choose to reciprocate.

Frank Stallone as Doctor Strange, and cast Robert Z'dar as Thanos.

My favourite part of the theatre experience, has to be the part where there are posters threatening you about prosecution for piracy INSIDE THE THEATRE.

Two tickets, a couple of drinks, and a couple of popcorns can easily run you $40+. It's even easier if you get into "crazy" stuff like nachos or hot dogs.

"[A]t Regal we will not participate in an experiment where you can see the same product on screens varying from three stories tall to 3-inch wide on a smart phone,” he said. " - I like how they say this like it should inherently make sense why they've made this decision.

I'm still waiting for him to participate in a soap box derby in the "Batmobile" or something, with how heavy handed this show has been so far. I'm surprised Nigma hasn't worn a tie with question marks on it or something, already.

Hell, they could even have an older Bruce Wayne return to Gotham eventually, but just continue telling the show from the perspective of Gordon - hearing rumours of a vigilante, establishing a task force, but never actually seeing or catching him.

Hang on, let me get my tiny violin for this.

Just give me Batman: Year One the TV series, without Bruce Wayne. Have an older, beaten down Gordon battling corruption and the mob, and stop hitting everyone with an IQ over 20 on the head, with these heavy handed allusions to the future.

"by if the gang war is a key element of the series, it should really be established as firmly as possible as early impossible."

Says the guy who called a Roland Emmerich movie "the action movie equivalent of Sleepy Hollow"! Haha.

This movie was dumb, and eminently watchable. Very much a Die Hard-style movie, with one guy in a building, against a bunch of foreign bad guys. He tells the main bad guy he's going to stab him in the brain for fucks sake, and then does!

There was a time when I thought the Meg-hating was mildly amusing, in an absurdist way, because they were essentially singling this person out for such intense scorn, despite the fact that she was such a normal, uninteresting character. I never took it as a mean-spirited "oh, she's fat and ugly", or whatever, type of

I thought it was a great premiere, with the exception of some bits of hammy acting on several fronts (Ward's creepy thing, Skye playacting the jocular SHIELD agent). The Commandos bit at the beginning of the episode was great, and fills me with hope for the Agent Carter show.

I'd sooner have this be a noire cop show set in Gotham, with a middle-aged Gordon being transferred to Gotham PD in the pilot for unknown reasons, and having to primarily deal with the various Mafia factions, as well as the rampant corruption within the Mayor's office, and the police department.

This movie was an awesome throwback to Verhoeven-style action, and a perfect representation of Judge Dredd. I hope they get to make another one.

The problem with Ryan Reynolds is that he only seems capable of playing a good Ryan Reynolds - meaning smugfaced, wise-crackey guy. His Hal Jordan was completely indistinguishable from his Wade Wilson, for example.

Whatever you think of Deadpool, that test footage was an absolutely faithful recreation of the character, and the tone of the comics. And it was definitely better than whatever the fuck that character in Origins: Jackman was supposed to be.

Wolverine was born "James Howlett" in Alberta, Canada - but later took the name "Logan", after his family's groundskeeper (and secretly his real father). He even fought with the Canadian Army in WW2, and later became part of a special section of Canadian intelligence called "Department H".