
If this had gotten to $1000, I would have laughed and moved on - but now it's over $15k, and that's crossed the line into "fucked up" territory. Do people understand they are essentially giving some guy money to be part of a viral joke?

Most recognizable Zelda doodads, in order (not most important - most recognizable):

"I'm dumb, she's a les-bi-an. I thought I had found the one.

I loved Blue and Pinkerton. Green I found kind of disappointing on repeat listens at the time, though "Don't Let Go" was pretty much the perfect opening to that record (I should give it another spin). I enjoyed a little under half of Maladroit.

Double checked the book - nope.

Can't tell if sarcastic.

Sadly that's not far off the typical argument. The inherent fallacy of "absolute truth", gives lots of people just enough of a door wedge to believe whatever they want, while still claiming rational or logical consistency.

If you went to the theatre to see one of his movies without checking reviews first, then that's on you.

This has always been my impression of him.

You would be correct, though I don't really know what "hard line" means. Even Dawkins describes himself as a 6.9 out of 7, on a scale of how probable he thinks the existence of God is.

Valid strategy. Most of my TV watching at this point in my life is appointment viewing for the few shows I really like (Arrow, Stewart/Colbert, POI, etc.), so that strategy just doesn't really work for me.

I'd love to meet a person why only uses Bing. How do they live? What do they look like? Are they happy inside?

My friend almost died laughing in the theatre during the scenes where Ted kept trying to get fired by the grocery store manager, and the things he was saying.

The stuff the Gates Foundation does isn't quite as amazing as it might seem on first blush (some legitimately is, and some isn't). Google it, if interested.

Family Guy used to be funny in it's original run, and it's not like those episodes don't exist any more, so I don't know if I give him a straight minus for FG.

Hey man, say what you will, but he's a pretty legit singer. He's essentially emulating guys like Sinatra, but technically he's proficient. Even the Simpsons guys brought him on to sing a song in one of those straight-to-DVD Futurama videos (can't recall which).

I've never really found Seth to be a "smug douche" - I've just found him to have a suspect sense of humour.

And Seth ruined competition and lives… how? By making a cartoon that isn't particularly funny any more, along with another cartoon that IS funny?

I loved Pacific Rim. Just dumb fun all the way, and seeing it in a theatre was the way to go - the robots are diminished a bit, on a television screen.

,ACIV was the perfect game to make, after the dismal wrap-up of the Desmond story in AC3, and it was also fun as hell.