
Just form human dogpiles on top of them, like the zombies in World War Z.

They wouldn't even need to go that far, but I have to think the folks at ARGUS in all of those helicopters must have access to more than a pistol - especially when the show itself said there's only about 50 people in the "Mirakuru Army" this episode.

I don't get the ongoing insistence that the only options to stop these goons is either the Mirakuru cure, or a drone strike - when they keep showing them getting taken out by pretty much any explosive device.

Seen some theories floating around, that Skye might be revealed as a Super-Skrull in the finale, and Skye herself probably just doesn't realize it (because Super Skrulls can shapeshift I believe). Sort of similar to Loki not knowing he was a frost giant.

For fucks sake Nintendo, just spend a couple of hours modifying the code so anyone can marry anyone, and be done with it.

Eventually these people will die, and be replaced by people who grew up on games like Mass Effect, who understand how much more mature the medium can be, if allowed.

Laser cigarette! Buzzer EMP! Freaking UHF SCANNER!

Really liked the double-fakeout with Ward and the dog - making it look like he was letting the dog get away, then the second shot of him sniping it.

You guys should hear what Question knows about Ketracel White.

I always read his defense of Question as Batman being much more detached and logical than most of the rest of the JLU, and thus respecting Question's tenacity. Where the rest of the JLU sees a conspiracy nut, Batman sees a detective who is willing to question everything.

I don't know, that Triplett guy joining the team makes me wonder if Ward is going to get "redemption through death", and then Triplett will take over as the designated "muscle" next season.

Phantom Menace is NOT the 3rd best Star Wars movie. I actually thought Revenge of the Sith was alright (save for the "Nooooo"), but don't know if I'd put it ahead of VI, simply because it was saddled with the crummy narrative baggage of I and II.

I found the first Kick-Ass to be marginally entertaining, but I've heard that the sequel is absolutely dreadful.

I don't usually post this kind of shit, but DEAR GOD is Natalie Dormer attractive.

Well, they gotta get their moneys worth for all of that wire rigging.

The three most important people in Oliver's life - Laurel, his mom, and Bratva guy.

Oh, and Oliver's fucked up knee (assuming it persists for another episode or two) makes me wonder if Oliver is going to take the mirakuru himself to stop Slade (also fixing his leg), and then cure himself At least one person is getting cured, and I'm finding it less and less likely to be Slade.

I actually thought this episode was a bit tedious, right up until the final 10 minutes, which were awesome. I'm getting tired of roid rage Roy, and hope they tie off that plot element soon (seems inevitable that they are going to cure him).

The double (triple?) fake out on the Clairvoyant was well orchestrated. A lot of us expected Garrett to be the Clairvoyant when he showed up several episodes ago, but by the end of last week, I was pretty convinced they had finally established Hand as the Big Bad, right up until Garrett gives himself away.

I guess Diggle's Bing search didn't return any results.