
That moment is kind of when I decided that they are going to reveal this season that Lance knows who the Arrow is - even if only cryptically. Otherwise, its getting harder and harder to believe. My favourite is one shot this episode, when Arrow and BC ran off from the police HOLDING HANDS.

I actually thought Laurel was kind of ridiculous tonight. Her reaching for the booze in the middle of a hostage crisis felt really contrived (and poorly acted), and her turn to the dark side (I guess?) at the end of the episode, felt equally contrived and silly. Like - she has this nice, affirming moment of her

How do you put Gambit in an X-Men movie, and then turn him into a pathetic punching bag for Wolverine? Gambit is arguably one of the most powerful characters in the entire Marvel universe, if you account for all of the additional abilities they've given him over the years. In Origins, Wolverine knocks him out with

"The Wolverine" was a solid movie, up until the final confrontation. Then it got pretty dumb. Not enough to sink the entire thing, but enough to leave a bit of a bad taste in your mouth.

This trailer is much better than the first one, though I still can't let go of how they seem to be selectively acknowledging things from X3, in both First Class and this movie.

The raw pictures of them on set have looked pretty terrible, but you have to keep in mind that they will probably look a lot different once they've been CGI'd and post-produced to hell.

Do I have a Kickstarter for you!

Did anyone else feel like Sarah is probably good as dead, the minute she told Oliver they were in this together? And "I'm not that easy to kill".

I thought the same thing, but then I realized it's possible that Slade could have found out where she or her father lived (prior to the island), and found the movie there.

You don't understand! When a stealth drone's target moves, it has no choice but to fly 10 feet above the ground and give chase.

Also, drones don't fire their missiles until they are within about 10 feet of their intended target, and only after tailing it for several seconds.

Now I kind of hope Oliver stops him before Slade kills anyone else, simply because I think it'd be hilarious if Slade's meticulously planned revenge begins and ends with killing Bratva guy.

Slade is out to kill everyone Oliver cares about - starting with Bratva guy.

I still don't like the decision to cast Waller as a statuesque, skinny lady. I always liked that Waller was overweight, but it totally didn't matter, because she was still a badass character. Television shows still use overweight people as cheap comic relief, or not at all. Would have been a nice change, and more

They were just about to get serious with their relationship, too!

The dead guy in Slade's office wasn't a random - it was the Bratva guy Oliver got Slade's location from.

The MCU is getting a little well-worn to me, but I suspect "Guardians of the Galaxy" may give it just the shot in the arm it needs. Interested to see CapAm2, but more for the post-credits scene that is rumoured to have our first on-screen look at Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, and to see if it's the harbinger for a

These are the Daves I know-woah. These are the Daves I know.

Also, I guess Sif wasn't imprisoned for her treason in The Dark World? And do we even know what the status of Odin is, at the end of that movie?

I'm not apologizing for the show - I'm just pointing out that these shows probably don't have bottomless CG budgets, particularly to waste on a shot like that, when we already saw how Sif arrived (meaning we also know how she will get back). And if she has to go back to the middle of the desert first, that's a lot of