
Thought this episode started out super-weak (the choreography at that biker bar was awful), but got a bit better as it went. Once again, the best moments were the ones where the show stretches out and embraces both the Marvel universe at large, and the movie continuity.

It would be expensive, and kind of superfluous to the plot, to render the bifrost effect again. We know how they got back.

Okay, I'm done. You're just progressing to a full on Gish Gallop now.

Stevens was the eighth U.S Ambassador to be killed while in office, and the sixth to be killed by an actual attack. So no, not the "first death". You probably didn't hear about them though, because there was no years long hunt to find someone to blame. They were tragedies to be learned from, not scandals to be

Okay, I've got the IRS "scandal" and Benghazi on my wingnut bingo card. Just mention Fast & Furious, and I've hit the jackpot.

It was a pretty embarrassing day for the WH Press Corps, who spent way too much time grilling the press secretary about this silly video, and whether it desecrated the "dignity" of the White House.

I liked "300", because the imagery was completely insane. It was fun as a "turn off your brain" gore fest. However, this movie was doomed to failure from the beginning, because it has no reason to exist. It's the lamest sort of cash-in sequel imaginable.

Amy leaving Sheldon for Raj would be an interesting plot twist, and it'd be interesting to see how Sheldon dealt with it. This show also needs something for Raj to do, far more than it needs something else for Sheldon to do.

This show is great, if you assume it ended after the fantastic two-hour episode with him in a psychiatric ward, that started Season 5 (I think?). However, it just crashes and burns after that. The last couple of seasons in particular, are deeply stupid.

The wedge between Slade and Oliver still feels really contrived to me, but I've mostly let it go. Oliver was in the relationship with Shado right before she died, yet Slade feeds him this turd sandwich about how only he is feeling "despair" — over essentially an unreciprocated crush? How does he go from calling

1) Well, accessing those files that led them to the "Guest House" was certainly not sanctioned (I think "treason" only really applies to countries) - so they were definitely disobeying orders. Then again, it's never really clear exactly what orders "The Bus" has. They are sort of like the Scooby Doo van - they just

Every time they mentioned Ron Glass' character name, I kept hearing it as "Doctor Strange", and getting excited. Then I eventually realized my mistake, and got bummed out.

1) They weren't SHIELD agents. It was a non-SHIELD facility, remember?
2) In fairness to the show, Coulson identifies them multiple times and says that they need medical assistance at least three times. Then he tells them that if they keep firing, they will be forced to fire back. At that point, you gotta do what

Presumably they would all be seeing the same news reports of explosions in both countries. And if we want to start picking real nits, it's possible (likely, even), that a lot of the command structure for both countries was obliterated in the explosions.

I liked Watchmen. I hadn't read the comic before seeing the movie, but I HAD watched the animated comic on television, and I was sort of stunned by how closely the movie adhered to it (in most cases), right down to the camera angles.

But "fault" doesn't matter - what matters is that the US and the Soviets were given an all-powerful, common enemy to focus on defending against. It makes no sense because peace based on a lie like that won't last forever, but I think that was also kind of the point. It was still better than telling the world the

Of course, Canada also has a small fraction of the population the US does, and could still probably field two full men's hockey teams that would be competitive against anyone in the Olympics, at the same time.

Don't be silly. He goes through everyone's trash.

They might as well have dressed up the SWAT officers as Stormtroopers.

Loved the new Deathstroke mask. I thought the one from the island just made the actor's head look kind of… fat. I also didn't like the use of some sort of soft material, instead of a hard one. I also also didn't like the lighter yellow colour, instead of the deeper orange. Modern Deathstroke's mask looks perfect,