
Felicity's snark was kind of ridiculously timed, but frankly, I thought Oliver's blow up at her was kind of silly to begin with. Felicity has messed up before (I hesitate to even call it messing up, when a magical TV hacker can't do magical TV hacking for some reason) - remember the episode with the dude killing

Hey everybody - we can shut this conversation down now. winafred burkle weighed in with his definitive take on the matter.

I guess you could just mark it down to simple sadism - Ivo wanted to make Ollie suffer, before killing him.

As isolated hours of television, I actually agree that SHIELD may have been better this week. The problem is that Arrow has much more developed (and interesting) characters, and a much better story arc going on right now, which helps elevate even a slightly "off" week for the show.

I largely agree with you. Shrapnel was kind of a perfunctory "villain of the week" with little real value to the overarching plot.

I guess maybe I could see it like the end of The Dark Knight, when Ollie freaks out and tries to stop Ivo once Ivo points the gun at Sara, and Ivo considers that his "choice".

The idea that Shado's death was Oliver's "fault" still seems like poor logic to me. He was put into an impossible choice, tried to sacrifice himself instead (I think?), and then the choice was made for him.

I'm actually newly intrigued in the Coulson resurrection after this episode (was so tired of the endless teasing), but they better start doling out actual plot development on that front, instead of more glacial story pacing. The shot of Coulson's exposed brain being worked on, while he begged for death, was kind of

I hope you don't mean to invoke Rubio and Pence as examples of "reasonable" conservatives, versus nutcases like Phelps.

The right-wing persecution complex, as fomented by outlets like Fox News, is an industry. It sells gold, and funds PACs, and brings ratings.

When Martin Bashir got pushed out of his MSNBC show for his comments about someone defecating in Palin's mouth (something slaves used to be made to do to one another - his comments were in response to Palin invoking slavery while talking about Obamacare), Palin publicly celebrated the decision.

It was clear that this was temporary from the moment they "suspended" him instead of firing him. Personally, I thought suspending him from the show was short-sighted, and just an attempt to mollify their advertisers, as well as play both sides of the fence.

Another person who needs to see the slideshow on what exactly the First Amendment is.

This show and Storage Wars seem to be all A&E plays these days.

I think we need to slow down slightly on declaring the Slade-Oliver feud to be too forced, because we still don't know for sure that it's exclusively about Shado dying, and Oliver not preventing it.

He was talking about the fact that his goofy "Brother Blood" mask could be worn by pretty much anyone, since it obscures his identity anyway. At least that's how I took it.

I used to help the Vigilante fight crime, but then I took an arrow to the knee…

When Barry mentioned a "tornado", I also wondered if he was referring to Reverse-Flash, and was running through my mind trying to remember if there are any villainous "tornado" characters (only one I could think of, was Red Tornado, but he's obviously not a villain). So yeah, I agree - probably Reverse-Flash (which

I thought the exchange between Oliver and Roy was kind of a bizarre left turn. He knows the guy is his sister's boyfriend, yet quickly jumps to putting an arrow through his leg? That's the best course of action he could come up with?

One of his daughters is a kick-ass ninja who beats up sexual predators and deadbeats… the other one has a drinking problem, and cries a lot.