
This is why I don't know if it was a good decision to bring him back. It really strains credulity. Even if there had just been a line early this season about the body going missing or whatever, it may have been enough. And his excuse is essentially "I'm good at playing dead"? Come onnnnnnn.

I find them a little annoying, simply because they are so ham-fisted and obvious. Once per episode, Ollie and friends have to stand in front of a monitor while someone on the news talks about that stupid machine, and they say zero lines of dialogue about it.

So, I guess the police never recovered Merlyn's body after the Glades fell down? Did the show just never address that his body was evidently never recovered?

I've officially put all of my chips on Life Model Decoy now, for Coulson. Did anyone notice that when Agent Hand mentioned Tahiti, Coulson immediately started saying "It's a magical place" like he always does, and then stopped for a second and caught himself, as though he realized he was reciting the line, almost

All Felicity has seen up until now, is a cutthroat ice queen who openly disdains and has no respect for Oliver, and wants to oust him from Queen Consolidated. I could see her being disappointed that he would have a one night stand with such a person.

I guess it will probably become more clear next week if they intend to move forward with the idea that she has feelings for him, or if my own reading of it was correct.

But does Felicity seem like the type to essentially refer to herself as the "right girl" for Oliver? It could just as easily be a reference to Laurel, and her disappointment that Oliver is throwing that away for a one night dalliance with a girl who has been kind of an asshole to Oliver all season up to now.

Am I the only one who didn't see the romantic undertones to Felicity and Oliver in this episode? I thought her "even if it makes no sense" was because Rochev had been nothing but an ice queen up until now, and their conversation at the end of the episode was just Felicity re-affirming, as a friend, that she thinks

I don't think there's any question Black Canary will have a future on this show (as a main character? Less sure). I don't think that person is going to be Sarah Lance, however. People are already guessing that she will die at some point, and Laurel will take up her mantle (she is Dinah Laurel Lance, after all).

As I said - I loved the episode. But part of doing a lot of things right, is that the things they screw up become more noticeable to you. Arrow is one of, like, three shows I still watch on television.

When is Oliver going to reveal his true identity to the salmon ladder?

Put that shit on pay-per-view. I'd buy it.

If that's the case, then huzzah. Bring on the goofy commercial thingies. The conspicuous placement in the show has always been terrible.

Bose is the Monster Cables of speakers anyway. Commercial minisodes I can live with - it's the clumsy-ass Microsoft Surface product placement IN THE SHOW, that drives me nuts.

Exactly. It was just jarring, because this show generally doesn't have those kinds of crappy looking moments when it comes to practical effects. Looked like she was laying on a door in a kiddie pool, and someone just shot it by putting a GoPro on the ground, facing her.

Why has she clearly learned how to fight on the boat? Because she learned how to make a scowly face and kick a guy who is already down, and clearly in rough shape? I can do that, and I can't fight for shit.

Am I the only one who thought the first scene with Sarah lost out at sea looked really, really bad? Loved the episode otherwise, but that scene made me cringe. Was so clearly shot in shallow water, in front of a green screen.

I love the Flash, but I also share your concern about how he will be portrayed. So far the show has been completely divorced from the idea of superpowers, which means the Flash showing up is either going to demolish that, or he will portrayed as just being a really fast runner, which will be super-lame. The constant

I just re-watched the episode, and being dressed in something other than rags doesn't make them "fatigues" - she's dressed in similar fashion to the other people working on the boat. I also noticed on second viewing, that she says the League found her AFTER she escaped from the boat, so we haven't seen that story yet.

There has been no hint of any direct connection between Ivo and the League of Assassin's yet, unless I missed something. We know she was eventually trained, and that she became an assassin, but that much was obvious last episode. The real revelations, are what happens between her and Oliver, since it's clear she's