
Really bonkers how often this happens - clear direction from fans being ignored for what a handful of executives perceive as marketable... which is just a reflection on what they personally like. Which is why management diversity is so important :/

Yeah, what happened to all the SUV hate from the late 90's early ‘aughts?

Loved this series! My first introduction to steam/diesel punk, and Jean’s a great character with unrelenting optimism and in general a very healthy mindset, altho he did trick Nadia into eating meat that one time.

I thought the last word was going to be “better.”

Convergence of the 2-d Pixel Circles

What happened? Did he just have better writers back then? Or, he had writers back then?

I’m with you. I think people are a bit blinded by how distasteful Kanye is in general and the fact that Pete is the poster boy for man-children  shouldn’t excuse him. Call a spade a spade. 

Setup, twist, punchline.

Honestly my take on their take is that their views are more or less line with a plurality of people in the US, so I value it for that. These days I feel I need to actively keep up. 

And we’ll be here to loudly comment on how wrong.

Congrats on the strike deal!

I get your point, a big factor that’s keeping Ukraine afloat is the moral high ground, whether that translates to soldiers’ motivations or international aid.

This it? Part of the picture, for sure. 

That last part’s the bit that everyone’s afraid to talk about, like talking about it makes it more likely for actual nuclear conflict. Count me as one of ‘em.

By “missile batteries” you mean the purely defensive ones meant to counter missile and air threats?

I really do think it’s more of #2, but no one seems to complain if they’re accused of #1.

Stuff like this makes me think that Putin puts out a cool exterior, but is almost as seat-pants-flying as Trump. 

At this point, with G/O Media’s declining numbers, 50/50 chance this incorrectness is by design so we come in and comment. There definitely have been articles in the past that did this more explicitly.

Same. Part of the drawn-out process of discouraging (and maybe eliminating altogether) commenting. I’ve been a Gawker head for a big chunk of my adult life, they’ll get rid of me kicking and screaming. 

This is what “disruption” means to a lot of these new money tech people - leapfrogging over regulations and systems meant to prevent sketchy shit like this.