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An animated kid’s show about a post-apocalyptic world made more than 40 years ago? More common than you’d think:

Care to elaborate? 

Welcome back! And 100% have your back on your agenda - games take up an increasing amount of our time and attention, and it’s an industry encroaching on $100 billion, in the US alone. Quality, objective, and in-depth reporting is needed.

Keep in mind the people working for him are... not... the best people. For a lot of them, pledging allegiance to Trump was a shortcut to high-profile jobs that otherwise wouldn’t have considered considering them. 

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With enough time and/or money... see The Thief and The Cobbler, made over 25 years by a half-dozen animators, all hand animated.

Just my opinions, so roast as you see fit:

4. Be aware of any possible blood relations you may share before marrying someone.

Same. Showed up to a work call with my screen name set as my D&D character name: Hanry, 2nd tier Accountant, Human Barbarian

Editor in Chief at 27! Even given the magazine’s target audience that’s young.


It’s gonna happen. In fact, it has happened, hasn’t it? Oh, you don’t know? Case in point.

I’m terrified of deepfakes. Not terrified that anyone will create one of me, altho that’s a real probability, but that the point of the technology is to fool the human brain. There’s already enough fake news and conspiracy theories out there, to add this to the mix will further hinder humanity’s ability to determine

Whoa what? /googles

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Tucker’s been exponentially getting worse. Remember back when Jon Stewart handed him his ass on Crossfire? He’s definitely on a different level of bad faith, now.

Tesla, among others (Uber), is a self-feeding hype machine. It’s scary to think that the correct mix of denial rooted in self-interest and toothless regulation will continue create these ridiculous bubbles... it all works out until it doesnt!

While that tracts, it’s kind of a shitty reason. I think we’re ready for an older Question.

Someone please gimme this in a live-action adaptation. Why is this so hard. You gave Harley a plastic jacket, you can give Renee a damn mask and fedora.

You just sent me down a 3+ hour wormhole of Orson Welles interviews. Time well spent.