Jaden and Willow, yes... they come off as entitled and a bit out of touch. But Trey at least has the sense to stay out of the public eye.
Jaden and Willow, yes... they come off as entitled and a bit out of touch. But Trey at least has the sense to stay out of the public eye.
That tank was me maybe 3 times last night. Finally the 3rd time I just left the game.
I installed Fightcade last night because of this article and even from my wifi connected laptop I could feel very little lag. I did experience some glitchy stuff that might have been the game state stuff you mention, but overall it was better than 3rd strike Online Edition. Kicking myself for not knowing about this…
Q’s all about shitty, situational normals!
Q relied heavily on parries with his slow but punishing move-set. I haven’t played much of SFV, but from what I’ve read it favors aggressiveness and offense vs defense and punishes - in your opinion is there room for Q-style character SFV?
Lookin forward to Capture and Deadly Blow combo some fools online! And thanks for making me aware of FightCade, hadn’t heard of it before.
I’ve had both - Meronpan (and typically most Japanese breads) has higher gluten content in the bread portion that give it a really soft, moist, almost spongy texture.
My main complaint with their sandwiches is the bread. It’s tasteless, dry mush. Add a little salt in there! Get some higher gluten content flour to make the crust crustier and the inside softer! It’s not just a vessel for your mostly adequate fillings.
Hot, freshly fried Curry Pan > Everything
Oooh! I found some more:
It was a very unproductive day.
Dog! You’re back!
Masters in Plant Bio here, with a tangential snippet: In deciduous trees, older, taller individuals will tend to unfurl their new foliage later in the spring than younger, shorter individuals of the same species. The effect is that the younger individuals will have some grace period to maximize their sunlight intake…
Are there others besides the PS2 game?!
A word of advice if you want to weed-whack your basement without causing grievous injury to yourself or others: be careful! Watch what you’re doing.
I like how juicy sweet raw corn is.
$80 here. Welp.
Gonna try and beat Darkest Dungeon, then probably Overwatch to vent my frustrations at losing 1-4 legendaries, then Darkest Dungeon to vent my frustration from Overwatch.
Sean! Ma boy! Joking aside, I can see how this was the straw that broke the camel’s back, after all the abuse Spicey endured. Consider:
Here’s an actual scoop: