
Exactly, Cornell has an entire school dedicated to this subject, you’d think they’d know how to handle this better. Then again, maybe all that faculty are in favor, which is why we have this amateur hour shit.

I can’t star this enough. There are many ways the executive branch can torpedo ACA through lack of enforcement on various provisions. But let’s all take a moment to enjoy Trump in his moment of waawaa-ing:

This is 20/20 hindsight, but now that it looks like repeal won’t pass, you have to appreciate how well Obama and the Dems did in passing this in the first place. Repealing it piecemeal will either increase costs or decrease coverage, or both as in this case, and full repeal is virtually impossible due to how many

I knew I’d catch flack for that ;) I like seitan too, but I’ll go ahead and ideologically profile Trump voters as mostly non-seitan fans.

Thanks. I laugh so as not to cry. Also, check out this NYT description of Trump’s big truck day:

HAHA FUCK OH WOW. I laugh so as not to cry.

It’s so amazing. Not amazing that Trump and Ryan find themselves in this situation after blatantly lying about their healthcare promises, but that enough people took that shit and shoved it in their mouths to elect the cheeto into office. We were SCREAMING about how delusional they were being about healthcare (pay

They’ve painted themselves into a corner. They’ve been using Obamacare as a punching bag, a rallying call, for so long and have made it a central issue in their election campaigns.

Hey! AHCA’s dead as of now, GOP won’t be voting on it today, 7 year anniversary of ACA.

Now playing

Gunbuster’s the greatest, and I loved the sequel too. When that music plays....

Issa’s the fucking worst and that staffer can get fucked. Hope my star helps with the post stress.

This the natural course politicians take when they’re beholden to corporate interests rather than principle and their constituents. Fuck Citizens United.

Good points! But what if their immediate careers are in jeopardy?

I honestly think impeachment won’t ever happen, no matter how bad the Russia connections get, unless we take back Congress in ‘18. US politics have gotten that partisan.

It won’t, unless we take back congress in ‘18. That’s the big vulnerability in the US system now, the fact that we’ve become so partisan that it takes the opposing party to enact the checks and balances that are supposedly inherent in the system.

I’m resigned to 4 years of the cheeto, and the best I think we can hope to do is to raise a big enough stink about how his policies, conflicts of interest, general incompetence and lawlessness so that nothing he tries sticks.

If you’re an elderly couple in pastoral Britain, don’t forget to prop up a couple doors against the wall :(