I mean, what can you do? You can either accurately quote Trump, or spell correctly. Can’t have it all, baby.
I mean, what can you do? You can either accurately quote Trump, or spell correctly. Can’t have it all, baby.
It’s the only people he can attract
A big factor in how we found out was Attorney General Yates, and she’s out. I dunno how long these staff leaks are going to last, either. To get an accurate picture the media needs high level sources within the administration that are sympathetic to transparent governance, or they rely on shadowy anonymous sources…
It was a good, troll-y insult. I approve!
3 minutes!? Let’s keep our expectations realistic.
I like you? Burneko?
Eeeh. He’s well known as a war crimes denier and is comparatively right-wing in Japan. But put an actual turd next to Trump and you’re affectionately admiring its diversity of coliform bacteria.
Final!? That coffin’s more nails than wood at this point.
Ah, I get it. Another loophole that creates an opportunity for arbitrage, and now we’re not allowed to close the loophole because money, lobbyists, etc.
Ironic that the thing he worked for, probably harder than anything in his life, and succeeded in getting, is what finally makes him realize what a huge dunderhead he’s been, and how huge a dunderhead he’s seen as by everyone.
Burneko’s the best. I love his humor style.
Hahaha it’s been 3 weeks guys hahaha (sobbing) hahaha
They bring in people from a specific region (utilizing the visa program) keeping them in pretty awful conditions, while also holding onto their papers so they cannot leave.
This guy has a ridiculous range of style!
Definitely the shitty reaction. Get some low-brow laughs at the expense of a customer, because of one tame heckle? C’mon, as a performer you have to have a better response than that.
Whoa that’s some wtfuckery from a boss of 10 years. What was his beef?
I guess there’s bias working here: people come to shows expecting to laugh, and the tendency is to side with the performer. Takes some courage to wade against that current.
“Sit your fuckin’ ass down! Sit your fuckin’ ass down! I’m talking, bitch. So sit your fucking ass down!” The rest of the audience loves this, so he keeps going and going, like the Energizer bunny’s haggard older brother.
This guy is one slippery lawyer. Check out his interview with Jon Stewart back in 2010:
Really?! That baby’s 3 or 4 meals, at least.