
And I can guarantee you that the conservatives you’re talking about will vote for trump, no matter what, regardless of their policy positions; that the democratic nominee, whoever they turn out to be, whatever they stand for, will be savaged as “socialist” with equal ferocity no matter what their policy positions are,

I have seen no indication that she has any noteworthy talents besides shouting the name of her Fake Rebel father. If you enjoy listening to her drivel, then silence is probably the healthier alternative. Who is this vast sector of the disenfranchised that she is representing? The dull and morally outraged patriots?

There is no clampdown. We have been short staffed this week due to various issues and are revamping Barf Bag to be bigger and better to return soon. There is no conspiracy here at least and if Jezebel were instructed not to write about politics you can be damn sure that I’d write a blog about it.

I think you have Cribbage and Bridge mixed-up. 

A countervoice: we’ve been nominating safe, milquetoast centrists for years now. Remember Al Gore and John Kerry? Both very safe choices who lost—in fact, I felt Hillary Clinton was replaying an awful lot of Kerry’s failed campaign playbook (“Vote for me, because my opponent is a laughable buffoon”), so I wasn’t

Like many white people from the rural south raised by Republicans, I primarily align with Democratic Socialist policies and positions. I’m 33 years old. I remember 1998 – the lynching year, Matthew Shepherd and James Byrd, Jr. Columbine happened during my Freshman year of high school. How safe are today’s children

There are plenty of more difficult jobs. And more dangerous ones.

Again, there have been revolting examples of abuse of power and racism involving police officers, but we can’t have tunnel vision and just work under the assumption that anyone wearing a uniform is a bad person, and deserves to get struck by any Tom, Dick and Harry. This officer is a normal, average guy doing the

They don’t “preserve the peace”. No need to give them such an inappropriate title.

Please stop calling them “peace” officers.

Basically you’re saying people need to be forced to stand for the anthem. In America. Land of the Free.

We as a country? I was not involved in the decision. I believe it should be my choice how and when to honor the flag.

For example, let’s say I want to protest McRibs not being offered year round. So I’m going to start peacefully protesting by going to churches dressed as a clown every Sunday and loudly pray for the McRib to return over the pastor’s sermon.

I understand the theme, but theme’s are not arguments.

Yo, serious question: You seem to be butthurt about these protests and you seem to think that all protesters are doing it to diss the American military complex. Do you guys just not hear why they’re protesting on purpose, or because you’re a white dude and you let yourself get hyped up by FoxNews, that’s why you’re

Yes, their “personal political cause” of please stop letting police kill black people with no repercussions. Pretty much the same as wanting a fucking McRib.

As a black man living in America, I feel the NFL protests appropriately draw attention to one of America’s gravest race-based sins at a venue that makes it uncomfortably difficult for those either apathetic to or complicit in it to ignore.

That is a horrible analogy. Protesting during the national anthem makes complete sense and you not understanding why leads me to believe you have not taken a second to open up the Constitution. The national anthem and the flag are representations of America. Equal Protection under the law is one of the Constitutional

[start rant] Nooooo....everything is about MEEEEE. I voluntarily enlisted in the Armed Forces. Now everyone has to suck my dick and pander to me all my life [rant over]

“To the military, they are the flag.”

Oh, cool. They are wrong, though.