
David Price is a little bitch.

The correct beans to use for this recipe are dried northern pea beans. Mew!


you’re aware that many bostonians are not white right?

and yet Massachusetts is the only state in the union in which every county went blue this election, and Boston itself is 48%+ non-white, so not necessarily.

New England here. Mummy, and if older generations are any indication it will be Mum when I age out of Mummy which may or may not happen. I refer to her as Val to close friends if i’m mad (very often, she’s kind of a bitch) but never to her face (i still have all my teeth).


Now playing

Christ. You are the only person in this comments section that has any clue what they are talking about.


I’ve lived in Brooklyn for exactly half of my life now but on dogs, I still rep Fort Hill and Copeland St.

Roxbury here. I think you mean 10 for 2, as in taking ten books for 200 points.

Between this, the Green Monster replica on 21st & 3rd, the Red Sox Keds I just got in the mail and my free seats in the drunk and rich section of Yankee Stadium on Sunday night I’m going to need my own memorial bench for being the most obnoxious Masshole to ever Masshole in these 5 boroughs this weekend.

I'm Vanessa Huxtable when she calls out Cliff and Clair for their mistreatment of Theo when they thought he was lazy rather than learning disabled. Queen of the WellActualites.

The proper way to wash dishes is as follows.

Yes, it is.

...and to answer your question about changing a design by a certain percentage ‘make this 30% different’ is an at once vague and specific thing a designer would say to a CAD artist but usually in reference to a pattern that repeats. This is a copy. They should fire their Design Director and hire me instead.

I am a fashion industry textile designer who is often asked to knock things off (it’s how the fashion industry works), and this would not pass legal anywhere I have ever worked. This is lazy AF.