Shah of Shaw

I’m not sure what I love more about this comment: That you have managed to take a post that has nothing to do with another team entirely and and make it all about the Eagles somehow, or that you are in here saying the Eagles should have given up on Carson Wentz, after his second (MVP-caliber) season in favor of a

Less provincialism? That’d be a guess on my part. We are a fairly mobile people. Lot of people get up and leave their hometown, so how many people living in Philadelphia are the 6th or 7th generation to live there. Sure, some, but there are a ton of transplants to the city. Having visited some old European cities, I

Eh. I’m with you that the Yankees are muy malo, but consider how many of their fly balls died at the track in games 2-4. The de-juicing giveth, and the de-juicing taketh away.

The headline is a little misleading. This win does more than just keep City’s hopes alive; it puts them in the driver’s seat, controlling their own destiny. Their hopes also would’ve remained alive even if they hadn’t won, as your very first sentence acknowledges. Is this one of those cases where someone else wrote

We live in a society...

“Wild” implies chaos, which actually does seem like a fitting description of the success that Eli has seen.

Let’s be real, Rich Hill would probably crank bombs off of you if you pitched to him today.

Great piece, Lindsey. Any sports moment where a buildup of nail-biting tension can be resolved in a denouement of Stendhal’s-like euphoria is, to me, one of things that life is all about. I can think of a few moments like that myself:

First comment in the Kinja-sphere (I’m an AV Club transfer) but jesus christ if I didn’t have the exact same experience, right down to missing Thome’s home run at the Blackout game because I was in line for the last round of drinks before last call. I almost spilled everything in my hand running back out to the seats

not having read all the comments, i apologize if im being redundant but i think this is an extraordinary and important piece to read — i was especially taken with 2 thoughts....

Someone recently told me, “When we apologize for things, we are very often seeking our own redemption, and thus placing a burden on the other person to forgive us.” I can understand that. But when and for what can a person apologize?

Pictured: AndrewFarmer’s ball cap.

I’m really tired of cowards hiding their bullshit within the context of “just asking questions” or pointless hypotheticals.

He knows we can hear him, right?

I’ve spent the last few days overcoming my grief by watching youtube clips of US players to watch for 2022. That and lots of drugs have convinced me we will be the team to beat.

The rise of the term snowflake is one of the absolute dumbest parts of this whole mess.

The USMNT travel coordinator would like a word with you, Sir.


Not sure what's more cringeworthy: showing up to your crush's soccer game to be a one-man clarinet-playing pep band or showing up in this comments section to seriously complain about how stuck-up women just don't appreciate romantic gestures.