Shah of Shaw

This is the right take. I can think of at least a few multi-run homers off the bat this series that would have turned the Yankees RISPfail into at least a series tie.

Great video. Great production too. Let’s go Baby Yanks v. Italy today. 

Did you look at the incentives offered in the winning bids before writing the article? Seems important to first understand how or whether they are bad.

That’s a good photo.

Thanks, two things: 1. How is the Croatian press or popular opinion taking the loss? 2. Wasn’t Kante ineffective and ineffective because of his early yellow card?

More like Thomas the Dank Engine

Good mansplaining. This is a critical error.

This is like every Reddit commenter ever

Would like to see more support and less preformed opinion/playing the old hits here. I get that Olympics have lost money (understatement). I get that public-private stadium deals are the baine of Deadspin’s existence (again, for mostly good reason). How about more detail on stuff like this?

This is a really old video. And it was taken from another media aggregator site? 0/2