
Couldn’t answer the first question as there was no neither option.

The funniest thing to me is that the stream sniping is by far more interesting than watching these jackasses seriously play the game.

My switch is slightly warped and I haven’t even played it for more than 30 minutes ever. It’s just been sitting in the Dock waiting for Mario vs. Rabbids.

2v2 ain’t real Rocket League.

It’s android based.

I sure miss Super Monkey Ball. How bout it Sega?

Oh you’re a liberal agenda pusher, I just assumed it was personal. Makes me even less interested since you don’t have your own opinions.

Never waste a tragedy when you can push your agenda. Sick.

Shutter glasses are still superior to passive 3d glasses. Yeah this tech has been around for a long time.

Been sick of everyone putting out FotM open world games for a while now. It’s sad that the games industry is just as uncreative as the movie, auto, fashion, music...etc industries.

Suddenly I want a bear claw necklace.

Sorry to everyone, I guess I’m in the minority on this. Anyways by ‘Fixed audio’ I meant surround sound that doesn’t move based on your position in the room but rather just remains “fixed” on the center of your play area.

Am I the only one who would prefer they just fix the audio when playing without a headset with surround sound speakers. I really believe most people would rather have some connection to the outside world instead of being completely oblivious and audio is a good choice for that.

The term “MILF” did not exist during the time period represented by the graphics capability of the machine in the screenshots.

People that speak of addiction to explain away poor performance...

Which is called compromise.

I don’t see the Scorpio doing 60fps at 4k without compromise either its only got a rx480 in it right?

That attitude can suck my Mario balls.

Definitely the case. He probably had some borked driver installation or some shitty MB settings. I bet he netted about 2-3 fps for this upgrade in actuality.