
Let’s hope she gets good. Challenger level 1 isn’t going to be acceptable.

Nintendo should really do anything new.

Might make more money if developers only asked AAA money for AAA experiences or way cut back prices for their demo content games.

Since you listed characters as one of the best things about the game, if I hate the character design will I be able to get past it and still enjoy the game. Or will whiney stupid hair tweens be too much to overlook?

Interactive Narrative maybe.

Stop calling them “games” and I’ll stop calling them “Walking Simulators”.

I was comparing decompiling and reading code to reading someones thoughts. Your actions in the real world are how you should be judged and similarly I agree with him that the results of the game is how you should judge intent. Not by reading raw “Thought”.

Wow thought police and social assassination in full effect.

Not surprised the dummy that made this game reuses passwords.

I like simple pleasures, like butter in my ass, lollipops in my mouth. That’s just me. That’s just something that I enjoy.

I’m not backing down to all the replies I’ve gotten but a mobile phone and a video game blog is really not the right place to continue this.

Again see brow beating. That’s all you ever get from people who move with the herd.

Brow beating is the liberal mandate.

Garbage from liberal media.i can give you data to support whatever agenda you want.

You need to listen to think a large group of people are inferior. That seems pretty ignorant to me.

Yeah all democrats are enlightened beings by default. This attitude is why we are not demanding 2 new candidates.

Bet it’s the same amount of Hillary supporters that feel the same way.

I disagree with your assessment.

I can’t believe I just read someone comparing the racism in this game to equal trumps platform. You are are part of the problem. You don’t see reality.

This is a niche product for children marketed to adults in this video. This is doomed.