
Is this an ironic White Knight comment?

I think I might be pansexual...I'm attracted to girls that want to have sex with me. For a few minutes anyways.

And I was there...too.

I say we just get rid of the big budget games altogether. Who's with me?

So superficial, I hope she gets none of them.

The camera is in the helmet, he's holding a stick with a picture of himself attached to it.

From the look of the laundry list all you want is old games. Nintendo is the company for you.

I have another theory: that its a skybox the rotates around.

I'm always looking for a new horror movie to watch, so send me your suggestions!

Here's my list...the completed games have ratings as do some of the uncompleted ones. Some unfinished games are rated because its not a game you beat or I put enough time in to beat it but failed. Most of the games unbeaten and unrated are simply because I ended up not liking the game enough to continue however a

Shadow of Mordor is my GoTY. Runner up is Second Son. 3rd place Dragon Age.

That's what California wants you to think.

I know you don't know me but I thought it was a terrible movie. I think retrospect examination will prove me right. Terrible, terrible film.

QUOTE | "There are studios with five, six, seven years of working in Brazil and launching games in Brazil, but they can't reach the outside." - Devolver Digital's Andrew Parsons, talking about how difficult it is for indie developers in Brazil to get published in other countries.

Hmmm can't say I've noticed any stutter in this game, unlike Ass Creed Unity, which has memory issues and I really hope they patch the stutter out of that one.

It seems like there is a memory leak sometimes, if after a little bit things get choppy you'll have to restart until they patch it.

I have a GTX 690 with everything on Ultra except NO ANTIALIASING and it runs really well. If you remove antialiasing which requires more ram than the 690 has you should get good performance. I've even got soft shadows on which people said was a framerate killer and it doesn't make much of a hit at all. Just lose

I hate to tell you this but the thing about my opinions is that they are right.