
My first PC had a tape drive, but the first PC I had with a hard drive had a 20MB HD.

The shield is a great device. I use it to stream PC content to other rooms of my house. It should be pointed out that 1080P only works when you are on a wired ethernet connection, otherwise it streams 720P.

Get a room you 2.

Gosh, I remember when people talked about the Wii like this too. We all see how that turned out.

Just watching that video reminds me of why I quit playing.


Not a new game but a remake of the original is coming.

I looks like the mechanics from TimeShift but actually useful under user control. I'm interested.

Just noticing how super annoying it is to watch someone play games with these things. Especially with head tracking.

This list just goes to show you how overrated indie games are in general.

Man this is a really light year for AAA games.

In the video you first linked I watched a ship do a complete 180 and start heading towards the escaping craft. And the maneuverability displayed during some of the dog fighting in the asteroid field is questionable.

Just finished up Super Mario 3D World, Magic the Gathering 2015, and Thief last night. I then started on Divinity : Original Sin and will probably be playing that along with my regular CCG Solforge.

So they are dropping the realistic physics in this edition?

Not only that but certainly this statue is not 24kt gold. So it's probably 14kt and worth only 58% of that.

He's got a solid gold turtle head.

Not being any fun fits my impression of the game. I think it's really just for the ultra competitive people. Even when I first played the Original Warcraft 3 mod for the first time I found nothing fun with it, but my ultra competitive friend thought it was great.

Same as it ever was...

On the standard of game play where results are based on skill not luck. It's a game designed for anyone to be able to win with a modicum of ability. It's the casual friendly dream for the future, time wasters that make everyone feel good.
