
What you are typing on right now how much did that cost you? Why do you need it when you can buy a console for 400$?

So are houses, cars, educations, ummm...everything?

The reasons why they tried to do something are irrelevant to me. Market Calculation's not just about Microsoft it's about an entire industry that is becoming more and more consumer unfriendly. Whenever someone tries to stick their neck out with these types of policies games should cut off their heads,

Substitute "Murder" for any betrayal of trust type plot then. It was a betrayal of the consumers trust, it's only natural to show distrust from here on out until they can prove they have changed.

I think it would be beneficial for MS if they manage to beat the PS4 to market, otherwise I suspect that will impact sales negatively.

I hope that footage is from the console versions because man is that engine starting to look a little creaky around the edges or what?

When it comes to a business strategy that is exactly how you should react. Or political strategies, or anything a non-person entity proposes.

The vocal ones are not the minority, that is some internet bullshit people use who can't suffer having an opposing opinion. Just because your vocal doesn't mean you're in the minority.

I'd dump her, she's gonna do it eventually anyways.

So if you discovered a plot from your friends to have you murdered and they decided to not go through with it cause you found out and objected they would still be your friends?

MS didnt take any steps to try and help 3rd party developers all MS set themselves up to do was take the place of gamestop. They would be making the money not the poor developers.

The message you want to send to companies is "Don't try to fuck us." And say it so loud no one ever tries to again.

I was speaking of the whole MS cloud as a whole not just hosting game servers which any company could do if they wanted to. As far as Kinect goes I think it's safe to say that you're in the minority on wanting that, most people I know would only consider buying it if they offer a sku without Kinect.

For every position there is always at least one person to back it. I am just joking with you, there's nothing wrong with your opinion.

You are that one!

"XBox is focusing on their exclusives, servers, the controller, kinect and the cool features and stuff like that. That is how they are creating hype. No one can deny this."

There's always one isn't there...

What they really should do is start renting the games they distribute on Origin. $5 a day, and rent to own. Once you hit the current asking price the rental fee is gone and the game is yours.

24hrs is not a lot. I mean sure if you want to finish the game in a day and return it you could, I don't know how enjoyable that would be. For me personally 24hrs from the first launch is probably not enough time to even know if I'd want a refund. Most likely I'll only get a couple hours in during a 24hr period,

There is no reason for a game console to need the internet. I think it would be stupid to add unnecessary requirements to any device just for the sake of policing your users better.