
Video games are easy. It's Dungeons and Dragons that would get that response.

That picture is terribly innacurrate. Women have been saying "What about my needs" since the dawn of time.

I think I saw boobs.

What this generation of consoles should do well with is physics. The way the it's designed means that we should be able to have massive gameplay effecting physics. For example, a real water simulation which can rise or fall and push the character around, or a landslide, or a hail of small debris that bounces

Wouldn't it actually be less slick on a PS4 due to the fact that PCs are more powerful?

I applaud Trey. Fuck DLC.

Alien. I fall asleep every time I try to watch Blade Runner.

Let me be the opposing voice here and say that i thought Blood Dragon was a drag to play. I found the visuals to be depressing, the 80s throwback to be uninspired and I had to force myself to complete it.

Except she's a beautiful girl who just happens to have a shaved head.

The way Kotaku keeps talking this up I wonder if they know something about the Steam sale...


You will just have to watch this "Masterpiece".

"Their first game will start out on iPad and according to Quigley..."

Impressive, if this much was done with the games back in the day maybe we wouldn't have had the game crash. Good showing for a 2600 game.

I looked at my purchase history and saw I picked up Mark of the Ninja for 3.75 on June 18th. It's only .25 more than that though.

Great yet another modern brown shooter.

One that sadly never made it out of Japan? Sadly? I get nostalgic for a lot of old computer hardware but even I have no fondness for cassette tape drives.

I want 20% more douche bags.

I'm really not saying this to piss anyone off but the art style alone makes me want to barf.