
Screw the Xbox, a new Shadow Warrior has just been announced. Whoooooo wanta some Wang?

Not enough aliasing going on here.

Minecraft 2? Really? Notch has been pretty busy with his follow up to Minecraft and I'm pretty sure its not going to debut on the new Xbox or be called Minecraft 2.

I need to borrow your time machine.

Gonzo snack journalism!

If most everyone you know sees tablets taking over for dedicated gaming machines then you don't know many intelligent people.

A bunch of ports available on other platforms is a pretty flimsy excuse for life.

She dances with all the grace of a cow giving birth.

Yes you busted me, I left out a comma. I agree motion controls have always been shit and we have not seen good ones yet. Though I think Sony did it the best.

You do know that motion sensing controllers were out on the PC many years before Nintendo ever did it right? It would take 2 shakes of a lambs tail to code an app that turns your smartphone into a touchscreen controller for your PC. I haven't checked but I would be surprised if the touchscreen phone controller app

I think you just like it cause it's doing the same hand pose as in your picture. Just with the opposite hand.

It's simply that DLC is the more profitable scam.

Excuse the sloppy cut and paste job to getthe whole room in:

Without the controller connected it would just be a cell phone without cell service.

Everyone's gonna hate me for this but I wish it was 3d =P.

WTF is wrong with the narrator.

Certainly it's the lamentation of da women.

I have one bucket that holds 3 4/5 a gallon of liquid, and another bucket that holds 5 2/3 of a gallon of liquid, How many buckets do I have?

Boy Band? This is more like a "I have several boys" band.