
The engine for Duke Nukem 3d is actually 2.5d so you would have no problem doing a map for it. None of the elevated areas are over top of any other areas. Just like Doom it was a limitation of the engine.

Hardcore gamers care about frame rates. Hardcore gamers DO NOT game on laptops.

The best one you can afford.

Mario theme is where all the non creative go to unleash their garbage on the internet.

Lol, if there's one thing my time spent in the game industry has made me sure of it's that GDC is a huge waste of time which has 0 impact on the industry.

This is Android OS on your TV. It's not going to play computer games, except those that have an android version. Who doesn't already have a phone or tablet that can play these games?

"They innovate and they don't insult a gamer's intelligence and they do both fairly successfully."

Are you referring to UE3 pop-in on consoles? I don't recall seeing anything like that on PC, though maybe I just never noticed it, but then I wouldn't classify that as ridiculous. If you are talking about consoles I think that's probably just hardware limitations rather than the engine.

I think it's actually creepier that people not paid to party showed up to this.

I couldn't help but notice the real culprit on that list. The Apple iPhone! Those "games" could drive anyone mad.

Cry me a river. Now go find a real job.

Scantily clad fail!

Stupid Fanboys.


The second game is a better game. The first one has a better story, and since it was first earns more kudos. But the gameplay in the second one was better.

Their information is wrong. I don't know what test they ran where the Titan was faster than the 690...

Ah, you must be from the disposable generation. They did a good job of making sure you have no idea about the value of money.

Hmm...This does not bode well for my game "Concentration Camp Architect".

Last gen Sony designed their console so nothing could sit on top of it. I dont see why they would decide this gen they will be ok on the bottom of the stack.