Shady Jenkins

Thanks for the review, some food for thought though, i don’t actually read Kotaku reviews to help me decide whether or not I will play a game, I actually tend to read them to see a critical and in-depth analysis of themes raised in the games, and to see whether or not i agree with them. To that extent, I’m not quite

My point, which I think I’ve made clearly enough that there’s nothing else for me to say after this, is that I think Horizon deserved more attention in general than what it got, in large part thanks to a cultural phenomenon in the same genre debuting around the same time.

Yeah....That’s bad. VW is screwed.

With a side of Fava beans and a nice Chianti I'm assuming. 

Exactly! Can you imagine if those people were asked to comply with a blackout drill by staying in and turning off their lights? Entire cities would have been bombed.

how about they just give the Oscars to the movies and folks who were ripped off in the past. idk like Goodfellas

Haha I will never get tired of people thinking Onion headlines are real life.

“God fuck, what Gary!” Episode 1 had the best line of the series lol.

“We mined spice together.” “That’s right.”

I thought Chrissy seemed sincerely hurt. It probably sucks to see in print that a person you like and respect and publicly championed, does not feel the same way, and thinks so little of you that they keep publicly saying so unprompted. I know very little of Tiegen, but is she so insufferable that it’s crazy to assume

Marie Kondo changed my life. That is all. 

Because your unemployed ( or maybe soon ) and the economy is taking monumental nose dive. And a smart person would consider holing on to their money ?

I really don’t understand how some people get to be wealthy. Musk seems like such dumb ass most of the time. Is it simply of a case of being intelligent, but lacking plain common sense?

Fuck this game for delaying a real single player fallout game until 2035.

That’s assuming you have an adept government with the citizens interests in mind. 

Boy, if there were only an energy solution or two that always gave out free electrons regardless.

You know damn well if black or brown protesters showed up at the capital building armed and yelling, there would have immediately been tear gas deployed and officers with itchy trigger fingers surrounding the scene. 

Biden’s strategy for winning the election:

The “historical accuracy” argument only seems to pop up when there are women or minority characters in game, or there is a lack of NAzi symbols in a game. Weird how that works.